First Meeting

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I'm sitting on the pink palace roof looking at the moon of its beautiful, someone is calling my name then i snap my thoughts out

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I'm sitting on the pink palace roof looking at the moon of its beautiful, someone is calling my name then i snap my thoughts out. I look down and saw father calling my name. "Cordelia, where are you." Father saw my shadow then look up at the roof and see me on the roof. "There you are, get down from there." I decided to give dad a scare,as i jump off the roof. I can scene Father's heart just drop seeing me jump off the roof scared.

I land on the ground use my gymnastics skills, i see my father runs towards me checking me if i didn't hurt myself then hug me. "Don't ever do that again you know that I get scared when you do that." I look at my father's new form or appearance.

"I'm sorry father I didn't mean to scare you, but that turtleneck doesn't looks good on you

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"I'm sorry father I didn't mean to scare you, but that turtleneck doesn't looks good on you." I smiles. Father give a dramatic shock look, place his hand on his chest. "You hurt my feelings sweetheart, I guess your right turtlenecks don't suits me at all." We both walked inside the pink palace. A rumbling stomach noise, father look at me see the embarrass blush on my face, he laugh.

"Looks like someone is hungry, well I'll make some dinner, we're having some guest coming, I'll called you when supper's ready." He smiles at me, i walk up stairs to my bedroom. I walked to my violin has been sitting on my desk chair waiting to play, hold on my violin then starts playing my favourite also my father's favourite music.

I kept playing but i doesn't know the a curious blue headed boy watch me, on my doorstep seeing me playing an emotional instrument make his heart skip a beat inside his chest. Listening the violin melody, i Finnish the violin a floor creaked, i turn my head and see a boy with blue hair with brown eyes with freckles on both sides of his cheeks and wearing orange pyjamas, we both are at each other. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother you." Mystery blue hair boy apologise, he was caught up by my playing the violin. "No it's fine from here, I didn't know who was creaking up behind me." I put my violin away as i walk up to him, we both blush at each other. "I'm C-C-Cornelius, Cornelius Jones it's nice to meet you umm." His face turn red, he hears a soft giggle and see me giggled.

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