|| 1 : Twilight ||

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The pink haired girl slammed her hands on the table before letting out a loud sigh, followed by a quiet yet exaggerated groan.

"... I mean, have you guys ever watched Twilight? Ugh, Edward Cullen is just- SO HOT!" Mina Ashido exclaimed, leaning against the dinner table. Her four friends stared at her, not knowing what to reply. "Dude, we're all guys... I'm pretty sure none of us have never watched Twilight." Eijirou Kirishima replied, taking a bite of his lunch. 

Suddenly, all heads turned towards a familiar blonde haired boy. "Unless... Ya know, Bakugou? Have you ever watched it?" The red haired boy continued, tilting his head as he chewed on his food. The blonde boy grumbled. "What, because I'm gay you think I watch that kind of cringey shit? Hell no!" The teen snarled, smacking Kirishima in the back of the head. 

"Y-OoOw! Bro, come on! I'm sorry! It's just... I just thought... Well, you know." Eijirou spoke, rubbing the painful spot in the back of his scalp. 

Mina frowned. "Guys, come on! You can't be serious! None of you have ever watched Twilight?" She questioned, sitting straight and pressing her hands on her hips. All four boys shook their head, making the girl even more unhappy. "Well, you... You are! You all are! This weekend! My place! We're having a bud's weekend!" She said, determined. The girl smiled brightly, staring at her friends' confused reactions. 

"Mina... A bud's weekend? What even is that? And... I can't. I'm busy with my girlfriend." Denki Kaminari announced. Ashido immediately snapped at him. 

"Oh, come on Denks! We all know you don't have a girlfriend! Kissing your pillow doesn't count! You're all coming! And if any of you don't, I'll whoop your butts Monday!" She giggled. The guys rolled their eyes. They didn't want to test the woman's patience, since she could get aggressive if she really wanted to. She was also very strong, and could easily break ever guy's bones. 

There was an awkward silence, with the noise of the kids in the cafeteria remaining between the group of friends. Suddenly, Hanta Sero broke it. "Anyways, guys. I'm going to class early. I've got some stuff to do. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow..." He sighed, walking away. Soon, both Kaminari and Kirishima walked off too, leaving Mina Ashido alone with Katsuki. 

"Katty, you've got to come this weekend, 'kay?" She asked, leaning against the blonde boy. The tall male shrugged, pushing his food tray away from himself. "I don't really give a damn." He muttered, standing up and walking off. Mina grumbled. 

She looked down, feeling the vibration in her skirt's pocket. She pulled out her cell phone, reading the latest text she had received. 


IzuBabe💚: Hey Mina! About to get on my flight! I'll text you once I land there, okay?

The pink haired female smiled, responding to her cousin. 

Me: Sure, Izu! I can't wait for you to get here. Feels like we haven't seen each other in ages! By the way, I'll have some friends over this weekend. I want to introduce them to you.

IzuBabe💚: Cool! I can't wait to meet your friends. And yup, feels like we haven't seen each other in forever. It's been so long I'll have to remesure your bra size. You were a C last time I saw you, right? 🤣😂

The girl scoffed, looking down at her chest. 

Me: Yeah, I'll tell you right now. I'm a D now.

IzuBabe💚: Wowww! You go girl! You must have a bunch of boys running after you

Me: Yup, I'm a queen! 😜✌

IzuBabe💚: Lucky!! Guys don't look at me. Maybe I should get a boob transplant or something, Lol.

Ashido frowned, clicking her tongue. She then quickly pressed the tiles on her screen. 

Me: Don't say that, Izu! You're perfect. I'm sure you'll find a hot guys soon- 

IzuBabe💚: Awe, thanks Mina. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow morning. Getting on the plane RIGHT NOW!! Byeee!

Me: Ciao!!

The girl stuffed her cell in her pocket once more, grabbing her jacket and standing up. This weekend was all planned out for her. She was going to introduce Katsuki Bakugou, her friend, to Izuku Midoriya, her cousin. 

Both Gay. 

Both Single.

Polar Opposites. 

But you know what they say: Opposites Attract. 

Hopefully, this all plays out well.

My Friend's Cousin \ A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now