Tamaki please Explain

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"Tamaki? Can I ask you something?"I ask him yet to see him getting all nervous after it which can become funny at times but once you want to be serious it will be annoy yet right now I was in between since I can't really be mad at him for a lot of reason

"I swear I didn't do it! It was those shady twins!"he protested/exclaim with his hands up in a position but I can really bring myself for laughing since I really want to know about the answer to my question which was kinda about him and someone else
"No I wasn't talking about that. It about something else"I said well getting out of the couch and went and grab Tamaki arm which is where he lead me back to the couch and come on to was the one who was going to do it
"Then what is it?"he ask with the concern in his eyes

"Well I'm just curious. If you alway love me then why did you bother going plus bugging Haruhi?"I ask then I watch those concern eyes turn wide with shock with a breath but then turn back down with a little shade of pink in his cheek from I guess embassment
"Um because.."he said after he turn his head a slightly away from me

"Because?"I ask him but he didn't answer until I held out my finger on his chin area and turn his head slightly to face me but the little shade of pink right? Had turn more pinkish-red then this whole Idea pop into my head
"Because why my little candy wrapper?"I ask but he didn't bother to reply without a silence in the middle

"BecausethetwinsweresoclosefindingoutthatimgayandididntwanttocomeoutyetsothenharuhicamethroughthedoorssoiusehertoshowthemImNoteventhoughiam"he said in justone single breath well really two breath but you can see that I meant that he said it really quick and to say I alway wonder how can people do the whole talking thing in just a single breath

"Tamaki would you said it again but slower"I said since I couldn't make a single word on what he was saying but only to make him to say it again but very slow which it very impatience
"Okay Tamaki talk like a human"I said which got him to breath deeply before talking again

"Okay well the twins kept bothering me saying I was 'gay' because they never really saw me with a girl after the host club or after school yet to only have them right but I wasn't ready to come out since I'm still in a shell about it then Haruhi came in and yes I though he was a guy but then I was glad another guy was gay yet more happy that he was openly gay but once I found out that 'he' was a 'she' I was so embassed that I think I turn bright pink or red I don't know but I was then after I thought that I'll go after her then they won't bug me about it and I was right"he said. wow sure I knew that they bugged him while because I was there but I never really thought it was true and I totally forgot about it but now I remember I just... I don't know okay but I don't like hearing him being hurt in anyway or tease then it hit me

"Kyoya it's okay"he said but I just answer differently it was that thing in my head
"You do know you can alway hit him back with the forbidden love package?"I said but he just got the confusion written upon his face

maybe just maybe I'll tell him soon

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