Always Together

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Nyx slept peacefully in his nursery room, art work on the walls done by his mother. Who now stared down at him watching him sleep. First, strong calloused hands were at her waist, then arms wrapped around her, and she felt the chin of her Mate, of High Lord, on her shoulder. Her High Lord, Rhysand pressed into her, and she could feel the effect she still held over him. But the effect that their son held over her seemed to be stronger as she gazed down at her perfect boy. Reaching a tattooed hand down, she brushed her index finger against his cheek. A smile formed on her face as he seemed to lean into his mothers touch even in his sleep. The love she held for this tiny, fragile thing. Nothing could compare.

"I never thought..." How could she tell her Mate, that she...

"Never thought about what?" Rhys ran his nose along the side of her neck, and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"That I could love someone more than I love you." Still captivated by her little angel sleeping. The warm tight feeling in her chest increased as she remembered the first sight of him in her arms. She knew then that she would do anything for him. No, it was long before that. When she first felt the flutter in her stomach of him moving, of his wings. Just like his father. No. That's not right. It was long before that. Before he was even a thought. It was during the war with Hybern. When she met the bone carver, and when she realized that the boy she saw, that was the face the bone carver wore. Was in fact her and Rhysands son. She knew then, at that time. Nothing would stop her from seeing that face, she would give her life for him in a heartbeat, and she had, once. The day she birthed him. Only he himself wasn't breathing, and due to her death, Rhysand was dying as well. But thanks to her Eldest sister Nesta, they all were saved. Feyre owed everything to her sister, and would forever be in her debt.

"Will he hold you captive again tonight Feyre Darling?" His lips grazed her ear, as he whispered his words.

"Hmm?" She heard her mate say something, but wasn't sure what it was. If he even said anything at all. Rhys's chuckle filled the room, and echoed in Feyres head.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Just then Nyx stretched his sleep and made a slight noise in doing so. He held both of his parents captive at that moment. His little wings twitched, and then he was completely still, except for the rising and falling of his chest, signaling his breathing. Rhys pulled his High Lady closer to him. "Come Feyre Darling, I would like to thank you properly."

That caught Feyre's attention. Thank her for what? Turning her head to look at Rhys. He captured her lips. A hand snaked its way up slowly to the back of his neck as she kissed him deeply. As they pulled away, noses still touching she whispered. "Thank me for what?"

"Everything." He lifted her into his arms then, and removed her from the nursery. Pressing her into the wall just outside the room in the hall. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, as she hoisted her higher. His teeth at her neck, scraping before his lips latched on and sucked right where he knew he could turn her into a puddle. Throwing her head back as she moaned at his actions.

"We should take this to the bedroom, don't want to wake him." She whispered in his ear, as she leaned her face close to his. Gripping onto his strong shoulders, his arms, his entire being.

"Too close." Their breaths mingled together as they gazed into each other's eyes. Her hands took his face, and caressed him. "I plan on making you scream." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head at his words. Knowing exactly what would be happening, and just the thought of it.

His nostrils flared at the scent of her. Pressing his hips into hers, and she gasped for air. He winnowed them into his office downstairs on the other side of their home on the river. Nyx upstairs is still sleeping. He would keep an ear open for him, in case he cried for his mother. But for now, she had another male to attend to.

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