I grab Lelouch's hand, giving it a squeeze to remind him that I am here.

Without wasting any time, all of us head out of the student council room and make our way down to the auditorium. It isn't hard for me to keep next to Lelouch's side, even when we are sent to stand in rows. I never let go of his hand.

"I love you, Lelouch," I whisper, tapping the toe of my shoe against his. "I'm right here whenever you want to talk about anything."

He gives my hand a squeeze, staring straight ahead as the screen comes down to project the feed of the inauguration.

"How do you do, everyone?" Nunnally begins her speech. "I am Nunnally vi Britannia of the royal family, 87th in line to the imperial throne." Her hands reading the brail book on her lap that holds the speech, making what she is saying come off hard even with her soft voice.

Suzaku in his Knight of the Round garb is off to her one side, a blank stare on his face as he looks out at the royal crowd in front of him. On the other side is a lady I have never seen before, but she must be a helper like Miss Sayako was for Nunnally at one time. She doesn't look nearly as sweet and kind as Miss Sayako with a deep frown on her face.

"Due to the unfortunate, untimely loss of Duke Calares recently, I shall be assuming the viceroyship of Area 11 in his place. I am physically challenged in that I am unable to see or walk. Therefore, I will be depending on all of you for assistance in various things. Please, help me to help you," she does a small bow. "I realize this is unexpected, but I'd like each of you to cooperate with me on this," her voice has lost the hardness, and she's now speaking from her heart.

For the first time, Suzaku's face break as he looks at Nunnally. His eyes wide and mouth open in a gasp we couldn't hear.

"As your new viceroy, I wish to again create the Specially Administered Zone of Japan."

Suzaku moves to look more directly at Nunnally as a gasp bursts through him once more. The crowd where they are erupts in grumbles at the idea she is presenting.

Lelouch intertwines our fingers, giving my hand a hard squeeze for a few seconds.

"In the Special Zone, Britannians and Numbers would have equal status. 11s would be allowed to safely call themselves Japanese once again. There would be no reason to erase or separate from one another. They shall enjoy the right to be with one another, eat with one another, laugh together. Although a tragic misunderstanding occurred in the Special Zone, I do not believe that the attempt to establish the zone was a mistake."

Through this time, Suzaku has whipped the shock off his face and turned back to face the crowd. I wonder if we would voice the same opinions about this zone if I could talk to him.

"We need a gentler world."

A pained gasp leaves Lelouch, and I pull his hand up to press a kiss to his knuckles.

"And those of you in the Black Knights, I ask you to please participate in the Special Zone."

Lelouch shoves his free hand into his pocket, pulling us out of the row we are in and towards the exit of the auditorium. He either doesn't care that we could be reprimanded for leaving a royal inauguration early, or he isn't thinking clearly.

"If both sides are willing to step forward and admit to the mistakes that we've made, then we can take the first positive steps to setting things right. I believe this with all my heart." Her voice cuts off as the door shuts behind us.

Power of the Kings: Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now