Standing up, he looked at the palms of his hands; the moon and sun symbol still made him confused.

Walking through the training field, his hands behind his head, he thought of his parents. Before he could think of anything, he suddenly felt two chakras rushing towards him, jumping up, a sword cut through the air; Naruto's eyes widened seeing the masked Shinobi with a katana in his hand.

"Who are you?" Naruto exclaimed, jumping away, jumping up to a tree; he turned his head just in time to see another ANBU ready to slice him.

Naruto saw the sword moving slower and slower towards his face; Naruto didn't have time to think about what was happening to him before he jumped away from the Chunin Level Speed attack; usually, anyone else would be surprised by the kid, but they felt and looked as emotionless as a stone.

Landing on his feet, Naruto grabbed a kunai from his pouch and was ready to defend himself. These were ANBU and much stronger than him, and not to mention there were two of them. The blonde knew he couldn't outrun them; he was a kid, and being able to outrun an ANBU would be impossible.

"Naruto, you need my help," Kurama said in anger.

Suddenly Naruto was engulfed in red chakra, and his eyes changed, now he had a fully matured Sharingan in each eye and red slit.

His nails grew on his hands, two times longer, his whiskers looking more and darker, his hair grew spikey, a red cloak of chakra surrounded him, it almost looked like made of bubbles, a tail slowly grew behind his back.

He was standing on his four, glaring at the ANBU in front of him.

Before the ANBU could do anything, Naruto roared at the closest ANBU sending a shock wave, throwing him against a tree; Naruto immediately rushed at the second one. He moved his right hand forward, and the chakra cloak surrounding his hand expanded and moved towards the ANBU.

The hand made of chakra looked five times larger than expected; the ANBU avoided the attack, but Naruto was already behind him and sliced his back open, his blood flew like a waterfall, around Naruto as well, but he didn't have time to think as the second ANBU was behind him ready to stab him.

Then suddenly, a third hand made of chakra came out from his back and grabbed the sword before it could penetrate his back.

Naruto moved his right hand immediately and cut open his stomach, his guts fell in the ground, the blood turned the grass red, the ANBU fell on his knees, but he didn't make a sound, not even moving his hands on his wound to try and hold his guts inside.

Naruto's eyes widened when he saw what he had just done, the body started burning, and soon there was nothing left but ash.

The chakra cloak around Naruto disappeared, and the blonde fell on his knees, tears running down his cheek, his eyes widened like a plate, his heart beating on his throat like a hammer.

"I'm-m a-a Monst..." "No", Kurama interjected before he could finish what he wanted to say.

"Don't even think for a minute that you're a monster. You're not a monster, and the monster is whoever send these people to kill you; a monster is people who threaten to kill a baby in front of their parents. A monster is when someone kills a little boy for no reason other than for the rush of blood. Not You. A monster is when someone forces you to kill the only people that you could call Friends. A monster is when forces you to kill numberless people for no reason," Kurama said with honestly in his voice.

Just mentioning it, Kurama remembered when he attacked the village when Kushina left the world.

Naruto stood silent and thought about what he said. The blonde wasn't stupid, and he knew what Itachi and every Shinobi mostly did in their missions.

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