Thirty Eight

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The next morning, Celina wakes up first & takes a shower. She spends about ten minutes in the shower before she gets out. She throws on a tank top & panties. She leaves the bathroom & sees Bucky waking up. She throws herself on the bed.
"Good morning, husband." She kisses him.

"Morning, doll. How'd you sleep?"
"So good. This bed is super comfortable. How did u sleep, Buck?"
"Good." He stretches & she touches his abs. He chuckles.

 He chuckles

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"I love you."
"I love you too." She gets under the covers, pushes Bucky onto his back & gets on top. She grabs his face & kisses him. She grinds against him, making him moan lightly. She bites his lip.
"What do you wanna do today?", she asks.
"You. You again & you again", he says seductively.

"Mmm. Well, we're gonna need sustenance. Vamonos. We need breakfast." She gets up & throws on jean shorts, flats & a bra. Bucky brushes his teeth & throws on a black t shirt & jeans. They grab their things & leave the room. They take the elevator to the rooftop. The doors open & they stroll into the restaurant.

They are seated quickly. They look over the menus. The waiter walks over & Bucky orders two mimosas. When the waiter comes back, they place their order. The waiter leaves & takes the menus. Bucky & Celina clink glasses.
"Hey. Since we're out, let's go see the Statue of Liberty", Celina says.
"Let's do it", Bucky replies.

Not long after, their food arrives. Both of them ordered french toast.

They both dig in & enjoy their food

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They both dig in & enjoy their food. About an hour or so, they leave the hotel & walk around for a bit before heading back to the hotel. They get into their car & drive about forty minutes to Liberty Island for the ferry. They park, get out & pay their admission.

The ferry is prepared to leave in twenty minutes. They sit outside & wait.
"Bucky, let me take a picture of you."
"No way, doll."
"Come on, please." She pouts her lip.
"Fine." She tells him how she wants him to pose then she snaps the shot.

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