Day 1

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"Keep still Mobius." I whined out trying to keep myself from poking his wound with my needle. I'd just stitched up half of a gash along his arm but for some reason, it was only then he remembered it hurts being stabbed by a small needle.

"I wouldn't need to if you'd numb my arm." I rolled my eyes at him as Mobius well knew what happened last time.

"Yeah and see you swell up from it no thanks. You're lucky I'm smart and didn't let you swell up and sufficient right in front of me last time." Finishing I grabbed a bandage wrapping it around his forearm.

"Well, you should see the other guy." He chuckled but I only raised an eyebrow.

"Got away again didn't he." I breathed and Mobius sighed.

"Na I let 'em this time. Gotta watch out for my new recruit." It wasn't often that he had a lost puppy beside him. Mobius tends to ward people off from fieldwork. Me being a medic I'm mostly clear of that area but one hears stories.

"What poor soul got wound up in your mess?" I smiled mostly to myself and Mobius clenched and unclenched his fist. Testing the waters.

"A variant I think can help. A Loki if you can believe." I arched an eyebrow at him.

"I'll look forward to the day I get to remove a dagger from your back. It's not often I get to perform surgery." He chuckled standing up and fixing his shirt while I filled out the paperwork at my desk.

"Apparently he's not doing that again. But I wouldn't trust him." Nodding not really saying anything while concentrating he cleared his throat once settling his toe back on.

"Good to go?" I glanced between my paper and him.

"I uh yeah... After..." He was already out the door I groaned standing up. He's always in such a rush to leave. Probably because he hates needles. "Mobius you bloody halfwit!" I shouted opening the door just managing to see him round a corner before he stopped.

"What did you call me?" Tapping his sore arm with my clipboard he hissed grabbing his arm. "What was that for?"

"You know what that was for. Sign this or your supervisor will have my head. Stop rushing off, you're not allowed in the field for 24 hours anyway." He paused just after signing.

"24 hours? When was I going to be told about this?"

"Just now after you agreed to it. Last time you went in the field with a broken wrist because you refused to back down from whoever it was you were chasing and three men got killed." Mobius sighed glancing away from me.

"I was having an off day." He mumbled to himself, only then did I noticed the new recruit he mentioned. Loki, whichever version it was. He gave me a curt nod and a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you...." He slowed down for me to a firm my name.


"(y/n)." He restated extending his hand which I shook. "Beautiful name." Loki said just as our hand separated. " I imagine you know who I am."

"Oh I do and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of one another. Your chaotic nature may well lead to battle wounds." His gaze was striking, to say the least. You could see all the questions he was trying to answer himself without saying a word.

"(y/n) here is the best medic we have here."

"You're only saying that because I'm the only one to put up with your shit." Loki smirked hands in pockets glancing to Mobius. My pacer went off which I glanced too quickly.  "I best be off. Some idiot probably ran into a wall dislocating his shoulder." Waving the boys off I left for my office knowing that exactly where the patient would be taken.


The workdays were long as always and it hurt every time I tried to remember a time I wasn't working. When not being shifted on for on-call nursing I would be either filing patient reports from the day before or mixing herbs for treatments. Those were my favourite days. When I could play music on a player I stole from Casey ages ago and just do things at my pace the way I wanted.

It was a filing day. After spending several hours finishing reports they needed to be tucked away into their assigned files for no one to look at as normal. Heading to the library, headphones in I hummed to myself ignoring the glares from people trying to read. Going to the closest section first I made my way down to the quieter part of the library. Which was around the time I felt a tap on my shoulder. Quickly turning Loki stood there and I took off my headphone.

"How loud do you wear those things?" Pausing the tape the loud music stopped instantly it was now quiet.

"Loud enough to drown out voices while I try doing my work. What's up? Mobius throwing a fit because the 24 hours isn't up yet?" Loki chuckled shaking his head as I put the file away.

"No, well yes but that's not why I'm here." My eyebrow arched wondering what he wanted to do with me. That thought alone was sending shivers down my spine.

"Prey tell. Is it you want so desperately to do something so you want to help file things?" He glanced at the now small stack of files in my hands. About ten of them.

"I wouldn't mind lending a hand." His body leant forward, Loki hot mint breath on my neck. "If I get something in return." I stopped for a moment squinting my eyes at him.

"You want to look at TVA files, how simple of you." I giggled stepping aside to place the next file away, Loki followed of course.

"Simple is not how I would describe it. I'm always ten steps ahead of you." Bending down to the lower file shelf I ignored his comment for a moment while finishing the next one.

"Oh, I'm sure. Which is why you're wasting your time with me. It's adorable that you think you could manipulate me." Loki was stumped for words. It was something he'd said before which leads to the question of how she knew.

"You read my file." I nodded walking around to the next section of files.

"I have to, every medic needs to read the files of their patients. Your one unlike everyone else was a fucking novel." Truthfully I only needed to read the medical history but it was interesting, to say the least.

"Well, I have lived a life." I hummed in response and when trying to put the last file away in the back corner Loki raised his hand pressing me up against the wall. "If I can't get files in return. Perhaps something else could suffice." My eyebrows knitted together confused as he quickly snatched away the last file putting it in its right place. "There now your debt." Going to say something his lips breathed against mine forming a metaphorical frog in my throat. "So quiet pet, is this all you've been thinking about since we laid eyes for the first time?" it wasn't but the way Loki spoke made me think it was. Not wasting a another heartbeat I grabbed his tie tugging him forward to meet my lips with his. Loki was shocked at first, me being so forward put with a second his arms were around my hips forcing my head to lightly hit the wall as he kissed me harder.

"Loki." Mobius called out a few isles down. Loki pulled back a smirk on his face just in time for Mobius to spot Lokis back. "And what are you doing back here?" He asked until spotting my hiding behind Lokis stature.

"He was picking my brain for information." I breathed out walking towards Mobius tapping his shoulder. "He didn't get anywhere though." Whispering his to him I winked towards Loki without Mobius seeing. Loki smirked watching me walk off before I left the pair to bicker among themselves.

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