Chapter 1

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Everyone was busy preparing the noble's daughter for the offering. Some were laying out her ceremonial robes while others were busy applying makeup on their young lady to make her look more worthy of a bride of the seven gods.

"You there, tell them to prepare the palanquin. I'm nearly done preparing." The lady of the house ordered. "Yes, My lady." The servant girl bowed and quickly exited the room to inform the bearers.

Walking down the hallway, she suddenly remembered the face of her lady and chuckled. Her lady looked more like a clown than a bride-to-be.

If it were up to her, it would be better to use the make-up to accentuate the lady's natural beauty than just slap some thick layers of it on her face and call it a day.

After all, she is going to be the bride of the seven gods, best to be natural as much as possible from the start, but with a face and an attitude like hers, it's understandable to hide all those kinds of blemishes from the eyes of the Ancients. Though she's sure they will be able to see right through it.

"I said the red pouch, not the blue one, you stupid servant!"

The lady's voice rang throughout the residence and was soon followed by a servant's crying. Ione shook her head. Indeed, they will see right through it. However, she still prayed that her lady will be accepted by the Ancients so she can finally sleep at night, not worrying about possibly being offered to them.

- - -

It was finally time

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It was finally time. The moon was high and the only thing lighting up the temple was the moonlight peeking through the hole in the center of the temple's dome ceiling.

Ancients, great beings of this land, we call upon thee

To bestow thy sacred judgment upon this lady

Awaiting your crimson flame on this pedestal

We plea thy shall heed and answer our call

The priestess chanted as the other servants bowed down and prayed as well. Only one person does not seem to think she needs to pray like the others. From the corner of her eyes, Ione saw her lady smirking, her head held high with confidence. She could only sigh and return to praying.

Please let her be accepted despite being the bi-I mean, brat that she is. She almost snorted but quickly reprimanded herself for even thinking that. All of a sudden, the sound of burning wood was heard. Everyone knew what it meant and excitedly looked up from his or her position.

However, the smiles on their faces were quickly replaced with confusion, as the flame was crystal blue instead of the expected crimson. The temple was completely silent for a moment until everyone erupted in murmurs. Even Ione was confused. Was her lady accepted or not? She hoped it was the former.

"Priestess, what is the meaning of this?" The angry voice of the supposed bride boomed. The priestess turned to her with a face that can't be described. "You were not chosen, Lady Amur." As soon as those words left the priestess' lips, Ione could already feel the fury radiating off from her master.

"What?! That can't be! Why would the Ancients set the pedestal aflame if I wasn't-" A single look from the priestess successfully silenced Amur. The priestess turned to the servants and raised her hands with glee. "People of Myar, I bring such great news! The Ancients have finally chosen and she is among us at this very moment, here in the temple."

Finally, the gods could be appeased and prosperity shall be back as well. Everyone cheered. Well, everyone except for Amur... and perhaps, Ione. The servant girls were excitedly talking amongst themselves whom they think is the one, but not Ione. In fact, the girl was not happy at all. Her mind raced with thoughts of possibly being the chosen one. 

She could feel her anxiety rearing its ugly head again. The other girls may be naïve to think that being a goddess simply means living a life of luxury. It is, but Ione knew better. Along with that life, came huge responsibilities and Ione didn't like that. She preferred to not be responsible for anything big.

"Oh Ancients, please reveal to us whom you have chosen as the-" All of a sudden, Ione felt everyone's eyes on her. She looked beside and behind her to make sure. They were indeed looking at her

What on earth was happening? As if answering her question, she started floating and golden light surrounded her. It was so blinding she had to close her eyes.

Moments later, she heard the gasps of everyone in the temple. She opened her eyes and she too was shocked at the total transformation of her clothes. 

The long dirty drapes of cloth were gone and, in its place, were flowing blue-green and golden pleated cloth with intricate beadwork that shimmered in the moonlight

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The long dirty drapes of cloth were gone and, in its place, were flowing blue-green and golden pleated cloth with intricate beadwork that shimmered in the moonlight. 

Even her hair seemed to have changed. Her brown hair was now flowing freely when it used to be in a messy low ponytail. As all of these happened, one thing dawned on her mind and the voices of the Ancients confirmed it.

We have chosen you to be the bride of the seven gods, Ione.


All the images used in this story are NOT MINE. 

They belong to their respective owners.

Author's Note:

So! Here's the first chapter~! Hope you like it. If you do, please let me know through your comments. I'd love to hear from you guys. 

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