the wash

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Flashback  November  14, 2001 Tupac POV   hey where snoop at down to the left  ohh shit I did  know u was coming   what's up  man  not came to support  u know  I know we had shit in the past n shit  nawl  don't  worry about  that   pac that's  u nigga look at damn nigga u  big as hell  how the label going good so far   shit  michell,le  m suge  I don't  none of my business   I know this nigga  must forget  he likes to put his hands on  females I said to myself  here were at the premiere  man look at this fool  snoop  had changed  since  we last spoke now he wit this pimp  shit  that's  my nigga thought  he get females  on leeches  n shit  am just here to support  my boy snoop  he doing the damn thing  it had been  2 mouths since  9 /11  happened  that was carzy thing as someone  who who was from new York   but now on the west coast  I never  seen shit like that  it's been awhile  since me n snoop did anything  music  really  we have  good chemistry  together   well family  life does that to u I guess  I laughed  my ass off  which this movie who knew  snoop  had a funny he mostly  quite  everyone  still grieving  over   the people 9 / 11 real shit pac I appreciate  u  being there for me really  alright  enough  of this mushy shit  nigga  had run the mood huh oh hey  u funny as hell thanks I guess.

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