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Kazuki and Kyoto lay there for a few seconds

"man that was a pain" Kazuki got up and closed his hand a few times to realize his strength

"Man I have the strength of an average adult male now" Kazuki looks for Kyoto

Who is still in her all out form

"This is where it ends a drawing like me knowing what's going to happen" Kazuki looks at Kyoto as she kept getting closer

"Oh shit"


While Kazuki was being jumped by a female

Akari and Enju were out side sitting down

"I wanna die" Akari said

"Shut it Akari" Enju groaned in pain

"I wish it was Saturday already so we could train our new powers" Akari moaned out

"Well tomorrow is Friday and it will be a less experience so we have to sleep early today and tomorrow"

"You're right we'll be protecting Daikou and all of Japan soon" Akari chuckled

"Yeah I still can't believe Kazuki had a kid with Lily, I wish it were me though" Akari smirked

"What did you say, Enju?" Enju freaked and got up

"I didn't say anything" Akari now a cat knew what Enju said

"You wanna have little Enju's and Kazuki's with Kazuki, don't you Enju" Enju blush slapped Akari

"No I don't he's just a friend" Enju ran back inside Araya's House"

"Enju just can't accept feeling can't she"

Kazuki PoV

Kazuki was being tossed around like a doll

Kazuki had a broken arm and jaw

Kazuki was beaten so badly he couldn't stand up straight

"Dan u Kyoto" as Kyoto ran out of power

"Kazuki you can't even stand up straight and your almost gone out of this world" Kyoto laughed

"Well Kazuki time to die, again" she laughed as she flew up to the sky

"This should be enough" Kyoto raised her hand up

"Hehehehe, Thank to your idiot father I'm able to use this technique"

Kazuki lifeless on the ground uses his good arm

"Ultra Fireball Jutsu" she tosses it down

He reaches into his pocket but the medium size fireball came crashing

Kazuki lost

Kyoto laughed hysterically

But in a instant the ball was gone, drain from existence

A shining white light appeared

"I had a feeling I was going to disappear but never in my life fruit juice had to save me" Kazuki flies up to wear Kyoto is

"How are you, you Impossible prick"

"I maybe a dead beat father to my own child but protecting them is what I do and I'll make sure you don't lay a hand on my family and friends, I could care less about these human" Kazuki in a flash punched Kyoto he them grabs her leg and tosses her to the ground in one slam causing an earthquake

Kazuki goes after her and in his right hand is a perfectly charged flame cannon and slams it into her chest

Flames build up in a 15 mile radius

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