Chapter 2 of - Let it Rain Again

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Lee Know's POV

I didn't even get to ask him how I would return his umbrella, but he came from the studio next to me.

Chan hyung's studio ?

Maybe they knew each other.

I'll have to ask Chan hyung later though.

I just sighed as I looked at the spot where his hand once was on the umbrella.

I walked home still thinking about the boy.

I walked to the porch unlocking my door.

I guess I'll see if I could give it back to him tomorrow.

I looked at the umbrella as I hung it up on the hook on the wall next to the entrance to my livingroom.

I walked towards my room getting ready for bed.

I laid in bed soon after finishing up with getting ready.

Staring up at the ceiling.

Han's smile came to mind.

He was really all I could think about.

I let out a yawn before I let sleep consume me.

Guessed what I dreamed about that night.

Yup, Han Jisung.

His name is as cute as him.

His cheeks were adorable, he had a beauty mark on his cheek close to his lips, his black hair framing his face perfectly along with the glasses he had on, the hoodie he had pulled over his head was just a bonus.

I was walking along the streets, I had time before I had to go to the dance studio to dance with my two dongsaeng's.

I saw a familiar face in a small cafe and I couldn't help but backtrack looking at whoever it was clearly this time.

There he was, sitting there writing away in a book.

A song book maybe ?

Han Jisung really has me this intrigued.

I smiled as he looked up only to meet eyes with me.

He waved me over.

I walked into the cafe, I smelled the coffee and the muffins.

"Hyung, it's nice to see you."

Han had a big smile on his face.

His smile is even heart shaped.

Could he get any cuter ?

To answer my question, yes, yes he definitely can.

"Twis, Chwesecawke is dwicous."

It must've been, he was stuffing his cheeks with it. He looked like a chipmunk.

"I don't think you should talk with your mouth full Hannie."

The nickname slipped out without notice, almost as if I've said it before.

He nodded with a slight blush on his cheeks as he chewed on the bites of cheesecake he couldn't seem to get enough of.

Then I remembered.

"Oh yeah. I need to return this."

I pulled out the umbrella from my bag placing it on the seat next to him.

"Twank Yuuu."

He had crumbs around his lips as he replied, still eating the cheesecake.

"You're making a mess Ji."

I grabbed a napkin from the stack that was left of the table for free use.

I wiped it off softly as he sat there frozen, calmly waiting for me to clean his face so he could continue.


His reply was short as he didn't want to make a big mess.

"You look like a chipmunk. Chip and Dale could pass as your long lost brothers."

Han blushed with a slight giggle as he finished his last bite of cheesecake.

"I get that a lot, well not the Chip and Dale part but the chipmunk part."

He grabbed a napkin this time.

"What year were you born Hannie ?"

"Oh, I was born in 2000."

My eyes widened in shock.

"My other dongsaeng's on my dance team were born in 2000 too."

Han smiled brightly.

"What year were you born hyung ?"

"I was born 1998, we aren't to many years apart."

I replied looking at the small smile on his face.

"You're so pretty."

I blushed looking down at my hands.

"Why do you keep saying that ?"

Han lifted my head up with his hand caressing my face.

"It's the truth, that's why I keep telling you that."

I couldn't help but blush some more at the compliment.

"Oh, thank you..."

I felt him pull his hand away.

"Has...has nobody told you that before ?"

I shook my head looking down again.

"Hey none of that, your beautiful. You're a bit shy, and your so cute, adorable. I'm surprised nobody's told you that."

All of the compliments made me extremely happy, I don't usually take compliments but when he says them I can't seem to get enough of them.

I love the way he makes me feel, his compliments and just the way he seems to understand me, it hasn't even been a full 24 hours since I've known him and it feels like I've known him my whole life.

"Thank you, I don't usually get compliments so it's really weird to hear them from someone, it feels really good though."

Han smiled brightly at my statement.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

What is he doing to me ?

Let it Rain Again - Minsung [REWRITING SOME PARTS]Where stories live. Discover now