The Outbreak

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Chapter 1

"Hey Cassie!" Jordan says running up to me and giving me a big hug

"Hey Jordan!"

She let's go of me and we make our way over to the group. The group consists of 5 people, me included. Jayce who is a twin of Jordan, Mason who I have a crush on and then Connor who is dating Jordan. We all have been best friends since preschool and we've been inseparable ever since.

"Cassidy!" They all say once I get to them. I hug them all and we start to make our way inside the building. While we're walking someone coughs by me and I move away. Over break there have been a lot of people getting sick, luckily none of us got it because I heard it's almost as bad as Ebola and people died from that.

We go our separate ways and I'm headed into Spanish class with Mason. Jordan, Connor and Jayce all have English together so that's where they went. Mason and I sit down before the teacher comes in and we just talk for awhile.

It was about 10 minutes into class and the teacher still hadn't shown up. Mason said that we should probably go tell the office and some kid volunteered. We were all just talking for what seemed like forever. So I started texting Jordan.

Cassidy: Our teacher didn't show up today

Jordan: Really?. It's the first day of school, why wouldn't you show up?

Cassidy: Idk

Jordan: Weird, dude this guy keeps coughing next to me and he won't cover his mouth!

Cassidy: Lol! tell him to cover his mouth

Jordan: Don't you think I tried that!

I look up and the superintendent came in the class

Cassidy: Look I got to go ttyl

I put my phone away and wait for the superintendent to start talking

"Your teacher will not be here today and we never got a lesson plan from her today so you will be excused from this mornings class" The class goes wild about what he just said. But before anyone could leave a loud bang came from the opposite side of the school. Where Connor, Jordan and Jayce are.

"Stay here!" He told our class

I sat back down next to Mason and we were just wondering what that noise was. Next thing you know Connor, Jordan and Jayce come running into our class and locked the door. They all looked really shaken up.

"What's wrong?" I ask Connor he looked out of breath

"H-he bit h-him!" He said looking scared

"Who? who bit who?" I say trying to calm him down

"The janitor. He bit the teacher!" Jordan says crying and gets everyone's attention

"What?" Mason says now

"The janitor looked crazy, he had cloudy eyes and his face was deformed. He looked like he just got run over by a car. He had blood dripping from his face and teeth, like a-a Zombie!" Connor tells everyone

"You're so lying!" A kid said to him

"Oh yeah then go out there and see for yourself!" But before he could do any of that somebody came up to the window in the classroom and they were walking really slow. Their clothes were all tattered and ripped. We all gathered around the window to watch. The guy came closer and closer, someone had come from the school building and shot him in the chest but he didn't budge. The man went for him now and the guy with the gun shot him in the head.

He fell to the ground and then another one came and attacked the guy who shot the man. I had to look away and get my head together. I looked at my phone and I had no missed calls or texts. Does this mean my mom and sister are okay?

"Hey someone turn on the TV"

Local News: The CDC has reported an issue of an outbreak that's spreading rapidly. We advice everyone to take shelter...we repeat take shelter!. Do not engage. We are trying to figure out what to do with the outbreak but if you have been in contact with anyone who may have the virus please report to the national safe zones that will be provided in less then 10 days.

What!, less then 10 days that's like saying we won't have any safe zones. I go to the classroom door, so that I can go home. My car is here.

"Cassie what are you doing?" Mason says to me before I could open the door

"I have to get home, my family must know about this. I have to make sure they're safe" I open the door and when I do I'm hit with a smell that shouldn't be aloud to exist. I walk out into the halls and it's quiet. Not a soul in sight.

"Cassie get back in here!" Jordan whisper yells to me

I shake me head no and continue walking. I make it to the entrance when I see one of them and they start making their way towards me

"Run!" Connor says to me. I didn't even notice that they were following me

I make a run for it and when I see my car I unlock it and get in. The rest of the group gets in as well. I start the car and make my way home.


The Beginning (Zombie Story) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now