Thirteen held out their hand to activate their quirk. My breath hitched in my throat. As soon as they started sucking in the material around them, another two portals appeared. One in front of them. And one behind.

"Thirteen!" Kami yelled. They were sucking themself up! They screeched as their suit was pulled off, the voice box malfunctioning and sending out a chilling crackling. Father erased their quirk, and they fell to the floor, unconscious. Their back was bleeding a little, but it didn't look fatal.

"Uraraka! How much of your quirk have you got left?" Yaomomo demanded.

"Enough." She nodded knowingly. Yaomomo made her a small metal shield. Ochaco took it and ran over to Thirteen. The monster took no notice as she managed to move the pro over to the crowd. It was staring down my dads.

"Was that it's quirk?"

"No. I'm erasing it."

"What the-" The thing raised its hands to its face and flexed its fingers, as if it had never seen or used them before. Then, it gave a roar and charged.

"If any of you kids try and help, I'll give you so much detention!" Father bellowed at us, barely dodging a swinging fist. He must have seen me and a few others get ready to jump into action.

Everything was a blur. I was watching as closely as I could but my brain refused to take in anything that was going on around me.

"It keeps regenerating! I thought you were erasing it's quirk!"

"I am! It must have multiple quirks!"

"Impossible! What even is this thing?" It seemed to be getting increasingly frustrated, as if it was trying to do something, but couldn't. Maybe it was trying to use the erased quirk? Eventually, Father had to blink. When he did, the thing smashed its fists into the ground, sending a crack through the ground. It stopped just before Ojiro's feet. He exhaled heavily, relieved. When Father lifted his head again and the monster's second ground smash failed, it seemed to put two and two together. It ran at Father and grabbed him by the leg.

"Shouta!" Dad yelled. It swung my father around and threw him into the wall near us like he was a rag doll. There was a collective scream as he collided with a loud crack. I was torn. I needed to make sure that Father was okay, but I couldn't drag my eyes away from my dad. He stood defiantly in front of the monster. Alone.

"Aizawa is alright! He's just unconscious!" Jiro informed us, her ear to his chest. I still kept my eyes fixed on the two figures in front of me, barely even blinking. Every single muscle in my body was tense. My breath was caught in my throat. Without the support of his husband, Dad's defenses easily fell, though he tried his best. The thing punched his temple and his body crumpled to the floor.

"We opened it!" Tenya ordered. "Everyone get outside! Now!" I ignored him. The thing had picked up my dad's limp body and was shaking it about like a toy.

"Hinami! Out! Now!"

When he didn't respond, he threw him into the floor.

"Dad." I gasped. There was a crack.

"Hinami! I said now!" The thing looked down at my dad. Then, he lifted his foot. My eyes widened.


"DAD!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs. Without a second of thought, I sprinted forward. My heart was hammering in my chest. I barreled into the thing's side. Because he was unbalanced already, he went staggering, but I was nowhere near strong enough to knock him over completely. Getting out two mirrors, I lobbed one over to the crowd, then used Encase on my dad, putting him out of danger. The creature swung at me, but I dove into the mirror dimension before he could get too close.

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now