Chapter 4

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2 months later (November 1965)

Mariah and Ponyboy hang out together quite often and so do Sodapop and I. I met "The Gang" which included:

They are all nice guys. They call me Jamie short for my name. I was at the Curtis Brothers house watching Mickey Mouse with Sodapop and Two-Bit. During the show, I felt Sodapop place his arm around me. I then scooted closer to him laying my head on his chest. I could feel his heart pounding along with mine.
As I was watching Mickey Mouse, I started to dose off and was soon asleep. I eventually was woken up by the smell of something being cooked. I was on the couch still and I was laying in Sodapop's arms while he was asleep. I slowly got up trying not to wake him but he still woke up. He smiled and me and said "You sure are a beauty. You know that?" I looked away blushing and said "Your not so bad lookin yourself." He then stood up looking down at me. I was 5'5 while he was 5'11. We were looking into each other's eyes when he kissed me. I kissed back and he kissed for about 15 seconds. He finally pulled back and just said, "Wow." We smiled and then walked to the kitchen.
That was my first kiss! I couldn't believe it finally happened! I am so happy!
When we walked into the kitchen, Darry was making Spaghetti. We all ate and then I decided to go home. I gave them all hugs and then went home. When I arrived to my house, Mariah told me she needed to talk to me. She seemed very excited! I walked with her to her room and as she shut the door she said, "I kissed him! Ponyboy, I kissed Ponyboy!" I smiled and said "Sodapop kissed me! I guess it's our lucky day!"
We jumped up and down in excitement and Emmeline walked in so we told her so she wouldn't feel left out. We were all so happy. We decided to have a girls night so we painted each other's nails and listened to Lesley Gore and some other singers. We danced and laughed. And then we fell asleep in Mariah's room.

End of Chapter 4

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