Chapter XIII - The Garden

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~???'s POV~

I stared at the ceiling clinging on its hinges, trying hard not to fall down on top of the rest of the building, as I grabbed a fistful of the blanket underneath me, that was neatly laid down on top of my bed.

I turned over onto my side and faced the sloppily, only partly boarded windows that faced back at me.

A gust of wind blew a piece of hair in front of my face and I slowly lifted a hand to carefully brush it back into its rightful place.

I got up off the bed and sloppily made my way into the small cluttered bathroom connected to the dorm I was in.

I stated at my reflection in the mirror. I squinted to see myself clearer past all the dust and whatever other junk had been smudged onto the mirror.

My obvious bed head, the noticeably dark circles under my eyes, the small but deep cut on my cheek that could potentially turn into a scar if I didn't take care of it soon, I looked like a complete mess. Although it's not much worse then I normally look.

I turned on the sink and grabbed some water in my hand, slightly flinching at the cold liquid suddenly making contact with my skin.

I splashed the cold water onto my face and rubbed my eyes groggily.

I stared at myself through the old dirty cracked mirror again.

I heard the water running and spiraling down into the only somewhat functioning drain, some of the liquid over flowing out of the sink.

I felt my fingernails roughly scrape and poke against my skin as my hand slowly formed into a fist.

I watched as my fist punched the dirty mirror, along with my reflection, into a million pieces.

I saw blood dripping down my knuckles as I pull the hand back down to my side reluctantly.

Then, I couldn't feel anything.

I fell down to the floor.


~Shuichis POV~




"Huh?" I muttered, snapping out of the trance I was in.

I looked around at my surroundings, squinting at the bright light suddenly flashing into my vision.

I was holding an empty plate that looked like it was just cleaned, and standing face to face with a certain annoying purple haired astronaut.

I quietly blowed a piece of hair in front of my face out of the way of my eyesight and looked up at the male in front of me.

"Y-yes Momota-kun?" I stuttered.

"You good sidekick? I've been callin' you for a couple minutes now." The purple haired astronaut replied.

"A-ah! I-I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a bit out of it today..." I answered, placing down the cleaned plate down onto a counter standing beside us.

"Right, I came back down here to put my plate away." I thought, waiting for the astronaut to reply.

"Well, that's all Saihara. Can't wait to see you again for training tonight!" The purple haired male stated, before walking out of the room with a stupid smile on his face and his hands on his hips.

"Wait what!?" I whispered sharply.

"When did I agree to that?" I thought, walking out of the room as well. Going out of a different door so I wouldn't have to run into him on the hallway and get caught up into another conversation with him.

"Whatever..." I muttered deciding it wasn't worth the trouble of changing that idiots mind.

I walked out of the old school building, being careful not to trip on any plants or cracks covering the tiled floors.

The sun felt warm against my skin as I walked around the outdoor area.

"Come to think of it, I only came out here once right? With whatever that piano girls name was." I thought, looking over to a part of the place that looked like a garden.

"It looks pretty well kept too." I added, walking up to the nicely organized mix of flowers and nicely groomed bushes.

I was, surprisingly, the only one there, so I crouched down and looked over the types of flowers that littered the area.

"They really do look and smell nice." I muttered under my breath, picking a fallen flower up off the ground and bringing it up to my nose to smell it before placing it back down neatly back onto the area it was laying before.

I stood up again to look at the other side of the area. It was a surprising large garden considering I had never seen it before.

"Kichi likes flowers right?" I thought, running my fingers delicately over the tips of the flowers as I walked around the nicely kept garden, paying close attention to the different types and crevices of each plant.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks as my eyes ran over one particular flower. A beautiful one, shining as if it was looked after much better then the others.

"I hadn't noticed before, but this one looks awfully familiar." I said, carefully walking over to the plant, being careful not to crush any of the others.

They were white rose looking flowers with the tips dyed a shining shade of purple.

"Lisianthus plants?" I thought, crouching down in front of the flower plant, lifting a hand to lightly touch the petals of one of the blooming flowers growing healthily.



"Hey Kichi?" I asked, leaning my head onto the shoulder of the short male sitting next to me.

"Yeah? What is it?" The purple haired boy responded, turning to look up at my face.

"Do you like flowers?" I continued.

"Hmmmm... Yeah, I guess so." He replied.

"Really? Do you have a favorite one?" I Continued asking him questions.

I lifted my head of the shorter boys shoulder and looked down at his purple hair that fell neatly down to roughly around just above his shoulders.

"I like purple and white lisianthus flowers, if you must know." He replied, a cheeky grin forming on his face.

"Alright! I'll make sure to get you some on our next date." I said, looking off into the sunset in front of us, dangling my legs off the roofs concrete edge.

"Okay..." the other male muttered quietly.

It was silent for a second.

I felt something land on my shoulder.

I looked over to my side to see a sleeping Kokichi laying his head on my side.

I smiled slightly and laid my head on top of his, closing my eyes as well.

"Goodnight Kichi." I whispered, giving him a kiss on the forehead before drifting off to sleep myself.


I quietly picked a flower from the plant with a small smile on my face.

I placed the flower carefully into my shirt pocket, hiding it well enough that you would have to be looking at it for long enough to notice it was there.

I got up from my crouching position, before my legs started to fall asleep, and walked back into the building.

~End of Chapter XIII~

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