Chapter Thirty One - Date Night, Part 1

Start from the beginning

My eyes widen and my jaw drops in shock.

"I've known you for 10-plus years and I've never even known this about you??"

"Was it not obvious?" He slowly poses into a very regal position, enough to make any woman with a right mind swoon. "I have an eye for fashion that not even Ranboo can fathom, him and that little red tie of his."

He smiles brightly at me. "Let's get to work."

"You'll be alright now, Darling. Your safe here, no harm will come to you, I promise." The kind lady reassures me as she gently brushes my wet hair after getting a bath after who knows how long.

"Miss Niki?" She strokes my hair with the brush, the bristles running along my back, sending shivers of ecstasy through my body.

"Just Niki does me nicely, Love. What's up?" She explains in the softest voice a woman can have. "Are Tubbo and I gonna live here with you?"

She giggles and responds, "No, Babygirl. You're going to live with Wilbur and Fundy."

"Wilbur? That nice man who saved me and Tubbo?"

"Yep! And Fundy too. Fundy is a very lovely boy, you'll like him." I smile. There is a comfortable silence between us for a bit, until I pipe up again.

"Yes, Sweets?"
"Do you think I'm a princess?"

Niki comes around and kneels down in front of me. She smiles brightly and replies, "Of course, Sweetpea! You're a beautiful little princess with a bright future. And one of these days, you're going to be a warrior princess, slaying the dragon with the prince! And that prince will be yours, and you both will live happily ever after."

I smile like I've never smiled before. I lunge towards her and hug her tightly. "You'll never be alone, [Y/n]. I promise."

~Flashback over~

Before I know it, my hair has been done up and my makeup has been completed. Techno clears his voice. I snap out of my trance and look up at him with widened eyes. "Welcome back, Cadette! Your attire has been anxiously awaiting your arrival back to earth."

"Ha ha, very funny. Now let me put this on."

I picked up the clothes and walked behind the wardrobe cover. I put the clothes on, one by one, the whole outfit coming together. I walk out from behind the cover and Techno looks me up and down.


He processes the outfit in his head, the gears and wheels inside it are practically visible. He then smiles and says, "You look beautiful. Ranboo is gonna love it."

The outfit is a light pink floral blouse, a flowey brown skirt that goes down to my mid-shins, some white laced flats, and a white headband. My hair has been straightened and my makeup is natural and light. Soft.

I spin around. I'm not used to wearing stuff like this. I'm used to wearing a heavy black cloak and iron armor. Carrying a netherite sword. I smile, but then I feel a bit.. nervous.

"I feel naked without my sword." I explain. "You can bring your sword, for protection. Just remember to let loose, have fun, be safe, be aware.. but relax. It's your day off. It's your day to treat yourself and feel beautiful." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Don't be nervous. Go get your prince, [N/n]."

I smile. I engulf him in a hug of just plain old gratitude. He hugs back tightly. We part and I kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Uncle Techno. I won't forget this!"

"Haha, you better!" He jokes. I grab my sword, sling it across my back and exit my house. I run off feeling like the best version of myself. I've never felt so free before. So beautiful. I hope Ranboo likes it.

"[Y/n]!" A deep voice yells for me. I stop suddenly and turn around. Techno is waving my cloak in the air. He cups his mouth with his other hand. "You forgot your cloak again!" I snap my fingers in realization.

"Right.. that." I jog back to Techno and allow him to put the cloak on me. "Have fun, little warrior." I grin with joy. I feel so giddy!

"I will!" I fast walk to Phil's house. I lift my skirt a little so I can walk up the stairs without tripping. I walk into the house and I see Phil sitting at the table lecturing Ranboo.

"Now don't slouch, remember to-" Philza's lecture is swiftly interrupted by the gentle footsteps caused by yours truly. Phil looks towards me and Ranboo turns around. All of the sudden, it's just me and him in the world. I see Ranboo blushing and staring. I look down shyly, slightly blushing a light pink.

Philza smiles. "[Y/n]! You're just in time. I was just finishing up giving the rules to Ranboo."

I tread lightly towards the duo. "Oh come on Phil. Since when were there rules on a date?"

"Ever since you both were still kids. Now behave, please please please stay safe, and have fun. Alright? Techno and I are here if you need absolutely anything."

I chuckle at his concern. "Phil, we aren't going on some crazy expedition to find the Holy Grail. It's just a date."

"Yes, but you know what's been happening, especially within recent events. Please be careful." He reminds me.

"Of course, Philza. Everything will be fine. We understand. I'll take good care of her." Ranboo reassures Phil. He smiles brightly and nods.

He opens the door for us. "Have fun, you two!"
We exit the building and walk away, hand in hand, smiling like the teenage goofs in love we are.

"So where are we going, Ranboo?" I look at him in curiosity. He smirks.

I smile in jubilee. I'm so excited!

"You'll see. Don't worry! It'll be fun!"

Famous last words.

To be continued...


A/N: ah! Hi again. Sorry it's been so long. School, plays and what-not.

Maybe crushing on someone who has a crush on me too....

But who knows!!

I love y'all!


Drowning Under 8'5 | Ranboo x Fem. Reader (not my art)Where stories live. Discover now