" It's a surprise"I tell him.

" Wait, I thought you said you didn't have a plan," he says, an annoyed tone apparent in his voice.

" I just came up with one,"

" Why can't you just tell me now," he wines.

" Because, it's a surprise,"

" Mari that is not a good answer," he wines.

" You will just have to wait and see then," I say as I sit back on the pillows on my bed.

" I hate you" he jokes.

" I hate you more Agreste" I say giggling

He chuckles softly, and sighs.

" Thank you, really. You have been cheering me up for the past week. I couldn't thank you enough" he says the sincerity in his voice could be heard from a mile away.

"Oh, Adrien, all  I want is for you to be happy," I smile.

" Thanks, that means a lot,"

A few moments, of awkward silence pass. Should I say something??

" Your welcome. I just don't really know what to say," I tell him.

" Yeah, I was trying to think of ways to make this less awkward,"

" leave it to Adrkins to get his way out of things," I smile.

I can practically hear his eye roll as he sighs.

" Your rude," he says a slight bit of sarcasm in his voice.

" So are you," I say defending myself.

" That's fair... But I have changed. I'm not the same jerk I was when we first met," he says, making a fair point.

"That's right, your just a bit less of one,"

" That has like a stab right through the heart," he says acting hurt.

" You have actually changed a lot, I'm glad you have," I admit.

He yawns and says. " Me too, cause if not. I don't think I would be here right now.."

[Adrien's pov ]

" I'm glad your still here," She says.

I can hear the senserity in her voice. She means it. She's glad I'm here, glad that through everything I stayed. Those words those four words. Are exactly what I needed to hear. She is amazing and truly an angel.

" Mari, thank you. That was exactly what I needed to hear,"

She yawns.

" Your welcome, I'm gonna head to bed..." she trails off.

" Goodnight Mari, sweet dreams," I say.

" Goodnight Adrien," she says yawning once again.

She ends the call.

I'm still smiling, I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be feeling this way. What even is this feeling.

No no.... It can't be.

It's not, she is just being nice and I'm grateful that's all. I'm just glad she is trying to cheer me up.

That's all it is.

[Marienette's pov]

Ahhhh... why do I feel like this? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why is my face hot??

Why on earth would he have this kind of effect on me??

It's nothing....I'm just excited for tomorrow. That's all, nothing more.

I get down from my bed and sit at my desk chair. Next to my computer sits a a notebook, pink and covered in flowers. I open it and grab a pencil from my bag sitting next to my chair.

I begin to writing.

Tomorrow's plan
• Meet Adrien at the part around

What time was it again?? Shoot, think brain think. Ummm...it was 10. I really hope, I will text him in the morning to check. Okay, back to writing.

Tomorrow's plan
• Meet Adrien at the part around
•  Have a picnic at the park

What now?? What else could we do?? We could walk around Paris. But I'm sure he has done that already. Or has he not? Would he think that was boring ? I need to stop overthinking. Okay, hmmm...

I look out my window, right next to my desk and fiddle with the pencil still in my hand.

I need to come up with something. I told him, I had a plan. I can do this. Think Marinette think.

20 minutes later...

I think I finally have something.

I begin writing my work in progress plan down.

Tomorrow's plan
• Meet Adrien at the part around 10
• Have a picnic at the park
• Go sight seeing/ walk around
• Go to the bakery

I think that's a good enough plan. I hope he doesn't mind how spontaneous it is and how last minute it was planed. He will probably tell how un thought out it was right way. But that doesn't really matter.

I'm so tired. I really should get some rest. I crawl back up to my bed and pull back my pink comforter over. Getting under in and putting my head down on the pillow. I turn to my right side to see tiki sleeping on the pillow where I left her earlier.

As I begin to drift off, I remember forgetting to set my alarm. It should be fine, it's Saturday tomorrow after all. As sleep begins to overtake me, I forget about my plans tomorrow.

[ Adrien's Pov]

I really should go to bed... but how am I supposed to stop thinking about what just happened. She invited me to hang out with her tomorrow.

I shouldn't be this excited. I shouldn't be lying in bed unable to sleep because, of how excited I am for tomorrow. I should be sleeping. But how could I... I'm not sure what I'm feeling. But it's not normal. I haven't ever felt this before. I wish I could grasp what it was.

Figure out how she makes me feel. I wish I could figure out why she is being so kind to me. Why she is going out of her way to cheer me up. Even after I spent the past few years being a asshole.

Why is it all so complicated? I wish it was all clear not cloudy or confusing. Just crystal clear, like clean glass.

But of course nothing is that simple. Nothing is that easy.

Before, I could conclude what I was thinking. I hear a knock on the door. Who could it possibly be?

I get off my bed and walk to the door. I open it to see...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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