"The insurgency on Lothal is over." the announcer said. "After a prison attack on Capitol City, the Rebels have been crushed, their leadership defeated. To honor the Imperial heroes who valiantly died to save you from these extremists, all citizens are required to attend a celebration and parade in Capitol City. A new day for Lothal has begun."

"Turn it off!" Sabine demanded, and Martin complied.

Ryder stepped forward. "We have to contact Rebel Command, we need reinforcements and a new plan."

"Oh, I have a plan!" Sabine barked. "They want to hold a parade?! Fine, I'm going to add some fireworks to their party!"

She turned around to head for the park of the bikes, but Jaral turned part of her upper body and made a clear gesture with her arm.

"Sabine, no!" she ordered with authoritative voice, only partially warped by the pain.

The mandalorian stopped and looked at her with eyes mixed with surprise, disbelief and rage.

"What do you mean 'no'?" she scoffed. "They took Kanan from us!" she screamed in desperation.

"I know!" Jaral replied, jolting her head toward her sister-in-law. "But acting based on our emotions is not what Kanan would want us to do, and we would only waste the opportunity he gave us." she said with a voice that gradually became calmer.

"What opportunity?!" Zeb asked, out of patience.

Ezra, who had instead had removed his armor, suddenly had a realization on his face.

"The fuel depot..." he said, and everybody turned toward him, even Hera, who was standing at a distance.

"Kanan died..." he struggled to continue, but he did it. "in the destruction of the fuel depot."

Eyes barred and breathes became heavier as everyone turned toward the Grand Marshall again, who made a nod.

"Exactly. Kanan didn't just save us, he completed the mission. Therefore, bashing our heads mindlessly is the last thing we should do."

She turned toward her father, pointing a finger with a commanding aura around her.

"Dad, call down a shuttle and tell the Constantinople to send a rendezvous signal with Task Force Magellan.

"We did our part. It's time for the Federation to do its own." she said.

Jordan strengthened his resolve in front of that of his daughter and made a nod. "On it." he said before materializing his helmet again and trying to establish a connection with the ship.

"If they are holding a parade, the overall defenses of the planet will be weaker." Jaral reasoned. "We should be able to confirm the status of the refinery and the factory from orbit, so all of you stay hidden and do not, I repeat do not, attack the Empire unless is absolutely necessary. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" everyone said with their attention suddenly back again. The firmness of Jaral had managed to re-establish a minimum amount of morale and discipline among the rebel ranks.

As the group disbanded, Jaral stood in her place. Ezra walked in front of her and took a hand of hers in both of his to squeeze it. He understood that, under that layer of confidence, his sister was still falling to pieces like he was, her head leaning forward.

"You see?" he said mustering a smile. "I told you you were born for this."

Zeb and Sabine got near as well and put a hand on her shoulders each.

Jaral finally dematerialized her armor. Her face was still marked with tears, but her resolve was clearly stronger than ever. She took a deep breath and straightened her head, looking at the rest of her family in the eyes. Only Hera had retired in solitude, along with Chopper.

Saga of the Bridgers-Year 4Where stories live. Discover now