3 : Petrified !

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"I was um...nervous. First day, so...you know." I replied in a low voice. Niall and Harry looked at me in disbelief.

"Enough with the questions. Let's go." Niall said. He had a totally different and funny accent.

We kept wandering around on the second floor. Elsa decided to find the cafeteria.

 The library is on the third floor; said a small board near the stairway. I really wanted to check out the library. I love reading books. As we passed by the library, I peeped into one of the windows to check it out. Niall saw me doing that. "Wanna go in?" he asked.

"Um. Yea. If you don't mind. " I replied, embarrassed. I felt like a kid who was held guilty. "We'll catch you guys later near the cafeteria. We wanted to check out the library." Niall ran up to Zayn and said. They continued walking. Me, Niall and Harry walked into the library.

It was not full. There must have been about 10-15 students in there.

I didn't want to borrow a book. I just wanted to see what kind of books they had. I expected only reference books for students to be there since it was an educational institute, but they had almost everything. Adventure, crime, horror, sci-fi, vampire, werewolf, mythological and romance were just some of the many genres of books there.

Niall and Harry walked behind me. I walked past a shelf of books. I found a book that said Everything you need to know about- I couldn't see its name properly. So I just took the book out of the shelf, and just dropped it on the floor in shock. Everything you need to know about CATS; and it had a picture of a black cat on the cover. I turned to see Niall and Harry staring at me in wonder. Thank goodness there was no one around me except for them. I didn't reach down to pick it up. Niall picked it and kept it back on the shelf.

"What the hell?" Harry asked.

"I'm...scared of cats." I stuttered.

"This scared?" He asked. I just nodded. Didn't speak.

Suddenly, I felt shiver up my spine. It started getting cold. Really cold. It got so cold, that I could see my breath escaping my nostrils. Niall and Harry looked at me in shock. Even they were starting to feel cold. Harry started rubbing his hands. Niall's face turned red in fright.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know." Harry said in a shocking tone.

I then felt as though something or SOMEONE passed by me. I just felt it. I didn't see what IT was. It happened so quick.  By the look on Niall's and Harry's face, I could say that they did not feel that something or SOMEONE that went pass me. Only me. I also heard a loud screeching noise. Someone was calling me. A man. Someone was calling out my name REALLY LOUDLY.

"What was that ?" I asked again.

"Nothing. What happened?" Niall asked.

"I felt SOMETHING...or SOMEONE passed by me." I said.

"No one came Audrey. It's only the three of us here." Harry said.

"I swear...there was a fourth person here. I even heard someone screaming out my name. A man. I could-.."

"No one screamed Audrey. We BETTER get outta here. " Harry suggested, and walked out quickly. But, no one else in the library felt this. They were all just normal.

Niall's POV :

She turned pale. But, she wasn't shivering unlike me and Harry. It's like she got used to the cold. I could see the look of fright and terror on her face, like as if she KNEW exactly what was happening. Wait, did her eyes' color change? I didn't want to ask her anything. But, it looked-..

 "What was that all about?" Niall asked. It looked like his mouth was traumatized.

"I really don't know." I said. "Let's go look for the others now." We didn't look at each other. Just kept walking.

"The cafeteria must be in the ground floor. C'mon. "Harry said, and we started walking.

Niall's face was still red, and mine still pale.

The cafeteria was on the ground floor, just as Harry predicted. We found them at a table towards the exit. I tried to act normal. I was pretty good at it. Niall was still in shock. Harry too.

"Hey guys. So, how was the library. Found any good books?" Elsa asked. The three of us just stared at each other, and then at her.

"What wrong? Harry...Niall...why do you both look like you've been PETRIFIED?" she asked. She then asked me "What happened Audrey?" 

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