" I was only joking, how does a little bit of teasing hurt?" Alycia shrugged

" Maybe we might have taken it to far." Sylvia said.

" Oh well! Alright then it was nice visiting. Next time I'd love to have some of your muffins." Alycia said before disappearing.

He walked into a dark occult themed house, looking like no one had visited in years due to the cobwebs that decorated the ceiling of the  house. There were spikes and wooden daggers on the walls. A shelve of potions was next to a disorganized table at the far end of the room.

"Humble abode indeed." Aiden mumbled.

A mist appeared in the room and Alycia appeared from the mist.
"I keep telling you to stop that but you're stubborn." Aiden growled. Three potions fell from the shelve and broke.

"My potions,it was hard to get those." She screamed and Aiden chuckled.

She breathed in and out." I'll clean this mess up later. Let's not waste time I'm not in the mood to argue. We'll be late."

" Then do what you have to do already." Aiden mumbled.

Alycia closed her eyes and began to mutter some spells. She waved her hands. Her red hair floated as a heavy wind rushed through the room. Alycia used a spell to root her foot to the ground so it wouldn't blow her away. More potions fell and Alycia fumed a bit.

"Take that cloak and put it on." She said referring to a silver cloak hanged next to a dagger.

"My precious potions." Alycia sighed

A portal appeared in the room.
" This is it." She smiled
Alycia and Aiden entered the portal then into a village decorated with different colors of paper laterns and lights. Everywhere was crowdy as different witches walked around solo or in pairs.

Every witch was dressed in cloaks or long gowns or different colours while wizards cladded themselves in cloaks or long sleeved shirts and trousers and long black or brown  boots let's just say ancient times clothing.

"The festival is at the queen witch's palace next to the royal crystal cavern." Alycia told him

" Let's move it then."Aiden said

"Alycia!" A much younger brunette haired witch squealed

"Olivia." Alycia ran to embrace her

" We don't have time for this." Aiden whispered.

" And who is he?" Olivia asked pulling away from Alicia's embrace

"Olivia this is Zayn"
"Zayn, Olivia."

"She's such a good liar." Aiden thought to himself.

" He's some weird lost witch I found wandering the human world alone, he looked so helpless and pitiful I just had to help him."

" Oh." Olivia said in a low tone, nodding her head.
" Nice to meet you." She said

"Do I look pitiful to you?" Aiden said before removing the hood attached to his cloak.

Olivia looked at him agape, as if in a trance, blinking several times unable to find the right words to say.
"Well do I ?" He asked moving his face closer to hers
" N- no"
" No. Y-you don't."

Aiden grinned satisfied with her expression.

"Olivia." Alycia snapped looking upset

" I'm sorry." Olivia said shyly

"You drooled Olivia." Alycia shook her head. She wiped the drool, looking down unable to look at their faces.

"Excuse me." She ran off

" What was that?" Alycia shot him a death glare

" Letting her decide whether I looked pitiful or not." Aiden said putting on the hood on his cloak

" Ugh you!" Alycia groaned

"Why are you so upset, she only saw my face?" Aiden raised an eyebrow under his cloak

" Let's go." Alycia sighed

"I hadn't seen her in a while and I just had to yell." Alycia muttered

" Who is she?" Aiden asked

" My cousin."

" Oh!"

" Yeah, she's a really lovely girl you know. We were really close until I had a few things to settle coupled with your case." She trailed off

" How about we go pay a proper visit after we're done" Aiden said

" Really? Would you be comfortable sitting among a room full of witches for hours and maybe even spend the night?"

" No!"
" What made me think I could do that? Go on your own Alycia."

" Typical Aiden!"

After several hugs and talking to old friends Alycia took Aiden to the hall where the most powerful witches were seated forming a circle with the queen in the middle.

"Alycia." The silver haired queen stood up to welcome her with a warm smile. Alycia smiled slightly bowing her head while Aiden stood still.

"Aiden." She smiled


"It is nice to see you again" Aiden smiled

" You can say that again."
The queen returned to her throne and Aiden and Alycia sat down.

All the witches took their hoods off and Aiden did the same. Since he was seated  at the back he wouldn't draw much attention.

"I don't see Ephilia anywhere." Aiden whispered to Alycia

"The queen has assured me that she will be here."
"Exercise patience" she told him

Not too long after. The door of the hall opened. Aiden immediately spun around with hope.

"A white haired witch with deep silver strands in front clad in a silver cloak entered the hall.

"Ephilia." Aiden muttered

"She's here." Alycia smiled

" Ephilia." The queen softly called out to her.

She was about to embrace the queen she gaped at Aiden.
"What is he doing here?" She muttered under her breathe

She closed her eyes to teleport but she couldn't.

"Trap!" She blared alarmed

"Wait please. Don't go anywhere." Aiden said

"You lied to me." Ephilia glared at the queen.

"Ephilia, calm down." The queen tried to place her hand on her shoulder but she stepped back.

"You called me here to trap me!" Ephilia yelled as all the witches averted their attention to the ongoing scene.

Oops! Looks like the chapter isn't so very short. I thought it was going to be. I thought it wasn't necessary to put Gina in this chapter. It'd make it long and boring. She MIGHT not appear in the next chapter.

I haven't written the next chapter though.

A new character has stepped into the scene I'm excited. More secrets will be revealed.
I know you're prolly thinking. Who is Ephilia and why is she important? The next update will give the answers to all of that.

Will you make me happy enough to give early updates by pressing the little star button to vote and share this story link? Comment if you have anything to say. XOXO Torivee

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