15. Little sis

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And some tears rolled down Avneet's cheeks and she hugged abhi, giving him one shoulder to cry because she knows how it feels seeing someone close to your heart in this state and it would be more tough if you can't find one shoulder to cry your heart out at that time.

Abhi is crying hugging Avneet. And avneet is just giving him shoulder where he can cry his heart out because Avneet is not gonna judge him because she knows how it feels. And all this was seen by Vaish, who is standing at some distance seeing them while crying. And doctor has already left from their.

After some time, abhi got quite as he don't have more energy to cry. Avneet slowly broke the hug rubbing his back. Avneet gave him a weak smile at which abhi replied, "Thank You Avneet!" And avneet got teary at this moment because she remembered that she don't deserve this and replied him back, "Your brother saved my life while giving his, so I should say thank you to him and you should curse me for being the reason of your brother's this state!" And she looked down because she dont have the courage to look in his eyes.

Abhi smiled hearing her words and said, "I am proud of my brother that he saved you risking his own life and you be careful next time or else I will scold you for being careless!" And his words just made her weak because she badly needs someone bigger than her who cares for her as she is done with elderly behavior of hers. She too requires someone to care for her which she never got after her parents left and she always behaved mature for her little brother.

Unwantedly Avneet started crying and seeing her cry, somewhere abhi felt bad and hugged her just to give one shoulder to cry as some minutes ago she did same. Abhi rubbed her back as one lump is made in her throat, and to make her feel comfortable he said, "Little sis, I am there for you!" And as soon as she heard this she broke down throwing all her hiden tears out of her eyes. She cried violently while clutching on his shirt from shoulder. She finally cried without caring about the world.

And she cried and cried making abhi worried. Abhi kept on rubbing her back. Suddenly he noticed vaish standing little away, there eyes met and abhi asked her to come near them. She quickly came and stood beside abhi while controlling her tears as the scene of avneet begging for death kept on roaming in her mind.

Abhi sensed that something is wrong with vaish. He side hugged her and caressed her waist which made her cry as she got that warmth. She quickly hugged him, hiding her face on his shoulder and cried silently because she is not able to feel Avneet's pain.

And after sometimes avneet stopped crying and handled herself because she knows that she is unknown to them and she should not behave like this as they might think that she is a slut crying on an unknown boy's shoulder for gaining attention.

Slowly she broke the hug and wiped off her tears. Vaish too stood straight and looked at Avneet. Avneet saw her and smiled weakly. And before any talks take place, doctor came out of the OT with a smile which said that everything is fine but still for believing it, abhinavi and avneet went near him and he said, "He is fine! And you can meet him when we shift him in one room!" And with this doctor left from their.

Abhinavi were having happy tears so did Avneet. Abhinavi hugged eachother while crying happily because their sid is fine.

(Author: Anyone remembered that sid was in OT? Ya phir you all were busy in Avneet's emotions only?🤭)

They broke the hug and abhi turned towards avneet and said, "Look he is fine because he saved you so I don't think that I should curse you for this!" And this brought one small but real smile on Avneet's face. Abhinavi too smiled seeing her.

Suddenly one nurse came their and said, "You can meet him now! He is in this room only!" She said and pointed at room no. 204 which was in right side of them. Abhi thanked her and she left from their.

Abhi looked at avneet and said, "Do you wanna meet him?" And she nodded in yes because she wants to thank the one who saved her life. Abhinavi smiled at her and both were thinking that finally their brother would talk to his love of life and here readers are like, finally sidneet will talk and meet eachother!

Let's end it here today, Lovelies! I hope you liked this chapter! I know that I ended it at very bad time🤭 but I guess you all can wait a little more if you ahve waited till now! Will meet soon and before leaving do tell me how was the chapter and don't forget to tap on that star button, byeee!

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