Chapter 5 - Gazef Stronoff

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Robert: hey = talking

Robert: (happy) hey = emotion

Robert: *moving* = action

Robert: [Marital Art] = skill or spell

Third Person POV

The scene opens with an aerial view of Carne Village. There is no one out and the only people who appear to be outside are the village chief, Robert Crane, Albedo, and Ainz Ooal Gown. They are currently standing in the center of town and there appears to be a group of soldiers on horseback approaching the group. Once the soldiers get close, they slow down and the one leading the group approaches the four. The leader of the group is a man who appears to be in his early thirties with black hair and black eyes.

Gazef Stronoff

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Gazef Stronoff

Gazef: I am the Chief Royal Warrior from the Re-Estize Kingdom. Gazef Stronoff. The King has ordered me to hunt down the knights that have been attacking surrounding villages. Your people are safe now. We will do all we can to protect you.

Chief: Thank you, General Gazef.

Gazef looks at the chief then back at Robert and Ainz before looking back at the chief.

Gazef: Are you the chief of this village? Who are these three standing beside you? They look peculiar.

Chief: These people saved-

Robert: No need to worry about that now. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, General. My name is Robert Crane and the one with the red mask is Ainz Ooal Gown. We are just travelers who stumbled upon this village while it was being ransacked by those knights.

Gazef: What?

Gazef hopped off his horse before walking over to the group.

Gazef: These people would've been lost without you two. Thank you, Sir Ainz and Sir Robert.

Soldier: General!

One of Gazef's soldiers walks over to the group.

Soldier: We've spotted a large army of unknown origin and they're surrounding the village even as we speak.

Robert: And the trap has been sprung.

Gazef: What?

Robert: I'll explain when we get inside.

Small Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Robert playing Call of Duty zombies while a group of Chibi Homunculus Maids watch him play.

The group moved to one of the buildings and they are currently looking out of the window at the army that is surrounding the village. The enemy seems to be what appears to be priests and they are summoning things that appear to be like angels from the ground.

The Nighlok King of Nazarick (OC x Overlord)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora