If I've killed one Man, I've killed Two

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i crawl in the moss. it is easy to find god.
she is a cluster of eels beneath my palms.
I ask of her, am i doing any of this life thing right?
and she, with her many mouths,
says nothing.

━━ Outbreaks, Kitchen Mckeown.

━━ Outbreaks, Kitchen Mckeown

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Some day, not so far from now, you will be dead.

Your skull will be as empty as a robin's nest during the autumnal equinox, full of the whistling wind and the hollow space left behind by a missing consciousness. Your eyes will have been eaten by the crows and the cavities that linger will become home to a colony of maggots that make a feast out of the decaying brain tissue abandoned by your soul. Death is inevitable; you are not yet dead, but still you are rotting.

Colette Donahue is one of the strange few who find comfort in the inescapable nature of death, fascinated really, by the idea of her empty corpse sitting in a grave six feet under becoming irreversibly entangled with the Earth. The giver of life back again to embrace her when breath no longer fills her lungs and blood no longer pumps through her heart.

All these notions of what awaits her after her clock stops ticking has gotten Colette to consider her death in great detail; what will be her demise? A heart attack? Cancer? Murder? In the past, the idea of slipping into blank nothingness, of falling into oblivion, sent a thrilling chill down Colette's spine and caused her to ache with a yearning to know just what will be her end. Never did she think her death would be caused by Colette's favorite of Earth's elements. Water, the drink to quench all thirsts, the relief on a hot summer day spent playing in the sun with nothing but a hose and a sprinkler to keep two friends entertained. In her final moments, it prunes her fingertips and filters into her airways, robbing her of the oxygen she used to take for granted. She sinks further into the depths, growing cold as the sun forsakes her too...

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