07. Train

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Traveling alone in this shitty world
Riding in a train on a very long road
Listening to a sad song and getting drowned
To all the memories I wished to disown.

Gazing at the window,
Watching how the rain falls.
Too many questions in my head,
But all I want is to lie and to forget.

When will the train stop?
I'm getting a headache and badly want to go back.
I'm suddenly getting tired and don't want to stay.
My life is a mess,
And closing my eyes won't make it right.

When will the train stop?
I'm tired of overthinking,
Slowly losing hope that my life will be alright.
It was my mistake.
I shouldn't have ridden this train.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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