"wait!" saud Souta, "your wearing a skirt" he added, "dont worry, i wear shorts below" Y/s said, she rushes towards the bike and grab a helmet and wear it, she then slowly ride the bike and insert the key and started the engine, "byeeee!" she said as she wave her right hand to her brothers, "Be careful idiot!" shouted Souya, she give them a thumbs up and Nahoya just proudly smile at her sister, she then drive off hearing her brothers shouting, "DONT DRIVE TO FAST" and she did what they say, she drive to the park and park the bike on the side of the park

She waited for Yuzuha on the swing, being bored she goes to a nearby store and buy two ice cream and a ice cream mochi for her to eat later, she come back to the park and saw Yuzuha waiting there, she approaches her and they greeted each other and she give her one ice cream. They walk while chatting about what happened to them these past few years and they eat some noodles.

-Nahoya's pov-

After Y/n left me and my brother get in and talk about Y/n's surprise party. "what are we gonna do now she left?" my brother ask me, "lets go to the gang and ask for help, since Y/n is their friend now, im sure they'll be happy to be able to help" i said, she agree and we change our clothes and went out, i lock the door behind us then Souya took our other bike, he drive the bike while i sat behind him

We went to Toman's hideout and we park the bike on the empty space, i call Mitsuya and he is ok with it, then we call the rest toman admin member, except of the fifth division. After a couple of minutes they have arive and we started discussing the plan, after discussing the plan we all go to our house and preparing the decoration and we leave the cooking to Hina and Emma. Right, Emma is here too, so as Takemichi and Hina.

After an hour Hakkai called her sister Yuzuha to let her know the plan and Yuzuha is ok with it. Then another hour pass by, its already 6:00 pm and our dinner is 6:30, thats what i told Y/n, just 30 minutes to go, we hand Luna and Mana the confetti cannon and waited Y/n to come back, we place the foods on the table then we set the balloon everywhere then the gifts on the side of the table.

After 20 minutes we heard the door knob sound, we all get in position. Mana and Luna on the front while we all are at the back, we face the door and waited it to open, as it opens we waited her to switch the lights on, when she did that Luna and Mana pop the confetti cannon and we all shouted, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", she startle a bit but plastered a smile wehn she saw us

"Y/N NEE-CHAN!!" Luna and Mana ran to her for a hug, she squat down and open her arms and hug them both, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEE-CHAN!" they both shouted in unison and she laugh at their behavior,"thank you chipmunks" she sad and patted her head, me and my brother approaches her, she notice it and stand up straight while Mana and Luna back off

"happy birthday to my princess Y/n!" i said and give her a wide grin, "happy birthday my beloved sister Y/n" Souya greeted our sister, she smiled and hug us both, "thank you, i thought you forgot about it..." she said sobbing, Souya quickly break the hug and put both hid hands on her shoulder, "why are you crying?! is something wrong?!" he, being the overprotective brother he is, being worried, doesn't he know thats tears of joy?!

-y/n's pov-

"this are tears of joy nii-chan..." i said as i continue to sob, "THEY LET Y/N NEE-CHAN CRY!!", i heard Luna yell, they both run towards me and hug my legs protecting me from my brothers, "you made nii-chan cry!" Mana yelled at my brothers, i squat down and hug both of them while sobbing harder, "n-nee-chan...why are you crying?" Mana ask me, "im just happy Mana..."i said, "now you both let her cry", said my stupid brother Nahoya while grinning

i stood up with both Mana and Luna holding my hands dragging me to the others, i look at them and give them a thankful smile, "happy birthday Y/n, said Mitsuya giving me his signature grin which i return, "thank you Mitsuya" i said then i look at the others behind him, "Happy birthday n/n-chin" said Mikey, "happy birthday idiot" said Draken, "thank you big head" i said as i give him my signature smile, he just roll his eyes on me

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