Closing Note

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Uh... Surprise?

Yeah, I really wasn't expecting to come back to this. I was ready to quit and be done. But here I am, writing this closing note after finishing up I think 8 chapters.

Now, if you're a fan of me for some reason, don't get your hopes up - I'm much more certainly not coming back, unfortunately. This book is now finished, so I have no unfinished business to take care of.

I want to say a few things before I go again. First, sorry I didn't put a discontinued warning on this book. Maybe it was because I dropped it so fast, or maybe it was because I always knew I'd come back to it. Second, I don't expect many people to read this far, so if you have, thank you. There's a huge disparity between the reads on Day Dreaming and No More What Ifs, and an even bigger one between that book and this one.

Thank you to everyone for reading and voting and all of that. I can't say that it means much anymore, but if you're spreading a book you enjoyed around, that's a good thing.

Goodbye everyone!


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