When a Man Loves a Woman

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Happy Season Five Premier Day! It's pretty clear that our faves will not be bringin' the joy for this ep...but at least we get them back on our screens. Read this update for the reunion we wish we were getting in 5X1 but aren't. Sending massive love, Reddixon!

When Vic barreled into the bunks, the panicked look on her face was clear to Ben, Maya & Travis who were freshly showered and changing into their civies. Having overheard bits and pieces...including the worst part of Andy & Robert's argument, she knew the team had to do something.

"Houston, we have a problem." Vic's tone was loud and exasperated. She ran a frustrated hand across her face.

"No, no more problems..." Ben said. "That shift kicked my ass. I'm exhausted."

"Copy that," Maya groaned. She was still adjusting to being back and today's shift had been non-stop.

"No...sorry...nope. Neither of you get to opt out here. You're both going to need to talk to them," Vic said, rambling a bit.

"Okay...why don't you rewind a bit and tell us what you're talking about," Travis finally said. He could see from the look on Vic's face that she was concerned about something.

"I was headed into the turnout closet when I heard Sullivan and Herrera going at it..." Vic said.

"They were having sex in the turnout closet?" Ben and Maya asked in unison.

"What?" Vic said, with confusion in her brow. "Arguing. They were fighting and it was...it was not good." She shook her head for emphasis. "I think they're done."

"No?" Travis said.

"That's impossible," Maya agreed.

"You must be missing something," Ben added.

"The way Herrera walked out of that closet... I'm pretty sure I'm right. Someone has to do something," Vic said. She was convinced of what she'd seen.

"I thought they were getting better..." Travis said a bit dumbfounded and to no one in particular. At the start of the last shift everyone had noticed that things seemed to be different between Andy & Robert. No one had asked, but the energy felt better and Andy was smiling again after weeks of being unhappy.

"Andy was out of here so quickly, I thought it was just the bad call," Maya said, shaking her head and feeling a bit frustrated. She had seen that Andy was upset and figured she'd text her later to check in rather than go after her. She was exhausted and just wanted to sleep in her own bed. A month at home had thrown her routine completely off track.

"Sullivan's slated for a double, I'll check in," Ben said.

"I'll call Andy," Maya said. "See what I can do."

As Maya, Ben & Travis talked amongst themselves, Vic realized she might be able to provide a perspective that no one else in the station could. Her relationship with Robert, Sullivan... she didn't even know what to call him. They weren't exactly friends, but there is one person who she knew could probably get through to him, if he were still here.

Robert was a bit taken aback by Vic's presence. He was walking out of the Captain's bunk headed towards his desk when she entered his office. She didn't knock, seemed a bit flustered and barely stopped to look at him before she began speaking.

"So...I wasn't really sure if I should come in here because we're friends-ish...not really the kind that talk to each other about our love lives, but I feel like we came to an understanding after Luke and I just think I should tell you what I think he'd say if he were here." Vic finally took a breath, but continued to pace in the small room.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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