~ Teasing ~

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Before Lucas could say anything, Lisa caught him pinning you against the wall.

"Lucas what the fuck!? she grabs your arm and pulls you away from him.

"What did he say to you?" she grabs you by the shoulders, you turn to Lucas to see a smirk on his face.

"Nothing, he didn't say anything." you say with a little smile on your face. Lisa looks over to her brother, "Lucas, what the fuck did you say to her?"

He shrugs, keeping Lisa clueless, "Whatever, lets just go to my room Ash." she says as she leads you to her room by your wrist.

"Seriously, he's so annoying, anyways theres this party tonight, wanna go?" she changes the subject.

But all you could think about was him. How he gave you butterflies in your stomach.

"Hello? Ashleyyyy?" she says repetitively, until you finally snap out of it.

"Oh uh yeah sorry, yea no the party sound great we should definitely go." you quickly say.

"Okay.." she pulls out 2 red dresses and gives one of them to you, "I thought we could wear these to the party, aren't they so cute!"

"Yes!!" you excitedly say.
You and Lisa go to the kitchen, to bake some cookies. You see Lucas on the couch, playing video games, like always.

"Hey can you set up the ingredients and stuff? I gotta go to the bathroom."you lie

"Yea sure. Take your time." she says

You walk over to Lucas and watch him play and stand behind the couch.

"You can sit, you know." he says, eyes glued to the TV as he carries on playing his game.

You sit next to him, his veiny hands wrapped around the controller as he spams the buttons rapidly.

"Why're you always playing this game?" you ask.

He turns to look at you.

"Would you rather I play with you?" He smirks.
"I'm good with my fingers."

Your eyes widen as he puts the controller down and faces you.

He gives you direct eye contact, "Why so quiet? You didn't like what you heard?" He says seductively.

"No, I- I just don't know how to respond to that." you stutter.

"Oh, so you do like what you heard?" He stands up, his hovering figure in-front of you. You shyly look away, "What do you want Lucas."

He bend over and lifts your chin, tilting it up,

"I want you, to go back to my sister, to carry on baking some cookies with her." He says with a sinful smile.

You slowly get up, and walk back to the kitchen, looking into his glistening eyes as you do.

Lisa turns to you while you look at the ingredients all set up on the counter.
"Hey what took you so long? Did you get your period? Did you have constipation? What happened-"

"Yea I think I just ate something bad ahah, anyways lets start baking! The party is soon anyways." You and Lisa start baking.

A few moments later, you and Lisa are almost done baking.

"Damn, its smell good in here, what are you ladies making?" He sighs at the fresh smell of Nutella cookies.

"We made cookies, Lucas." Lisa rolls her eyes, "And don't even think of having one."

"God damn it Lisa, I just want one, the world wont end." He scolds.

"Lisa its fine, we could just give him one." You convince Lisa.

"Fine, but I swear Lucas if you come back for another one-"

"He wont, right Lucas?" You turn your head and look back at him in the eyes.

He thrusts his tongue into his cheek, "Alright." He takes a cookie and leaves, winking at you as he takes a bite of his cookie and leaves.


"I guess I'm just really convincing?" you say

"Well, whatever we have to go get ready, the party is starting soon!" She exclaims as she grabs the cookies and brings them up to her room.

"I'll change in the guests room." You say as you walk out of her bedroom with the dress in your hand.

You close the door and start undressing. Then you slip on the red dress, it outlines your body perfectly.

Suddenly, the door opens.

"That dress is way too short." His tall figure leans against the door frame.

You roll your eyes at him in the mirror, "Thats the whole point."

"Tryna impress someone, are we?" He scoffs, eyes now on mine.

"What's it to you?" You say sharply.

He folds his arms. "Nothing, I'll kick their ass, though."

"You're not my brother. Stop acting like it." You say

"No, but I am your best friends brother. And I've known you since you were 5."

"Your point?" You groan, walking towards the door.

His arm blocks the door, "Take that dress off, or I'll do it myself."

Your eyes meet his, you look down to his lips and back up to his eyes.

"I'd like to see you try." You shoot back unfazed.

He backs you up as he closes the door behind him. "Oh yeah?"

You shrug in response, knowing he would, yet you still tested him.

"I'm waiting." You told him as he cornered you against the vanity table.

Sliding his knee in between your legs, he trailed his hand up your neck, grabbing a fist of your hair.

"Test me again," He tugs your head back, "And next time, I'll remove more than this dress."

His hand falls from your hair, and then unzips the back of your dress.

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