They all saluted, Qrow even got used to saluting to a 12-year-old, "Yes sir"

They all quickly got to work while I began to make small drones with cameras that connect to a headset.

Once the drones are done it's time.

[Quest alert]

Destroy all incoming Grimm(1k/1k

Secret task:?

Rewards(100k Exp, +100 rep Haskaria, +50 rep Surrounding villages. +10 rep world( except Atlas))

(massive EXP, massive Rep Haskaria, massive rep surrounding villages, major rep world(minor rep Atlas) massive population boom, )]

Sometimes it feels like this system randomly decides when to give me a quest, seriously a quest would have made planning that festival so much easier, but whatever.

The drones are flying around now, so let's focus on the battlefield.

"Fire the missiles!" I said with my drones recording the footage, Qrow is recording the battle nearby as well.

Just outside the village, some doors opened to show rocket launchers.


Missle after missle fired in the direction of the Grimm on the drones I can see the first strike kills a third of the Grimm instantly, while the others start to dissolve like a piece of meat in acid, liquid coming off the bodies of the Grimm sizzle and pop as it destroys all darkness, another third of the Grimm dead, the remaining are quickly taken care of by the last two missles fired.

*ktzshhrt, all Grimm have been killed, repeat all Grimm are dead, over* Qrow said over the mic

Suddenly the ground started trembling, a loud eruption of dirt and rock busted up from the Ground, two large black leathery wings grabbed the side of the crater the was just formed, pulling itself out of the ground a huge Grimm Dragon stood.

Everyone stood in shock, the Dragon let out a loud sound akin to a chicken screeching mixed with the t-rex sound from Jurassic Park.

Knocked out of my shock, I began yelling orders "Rockefeller, Banks, get the villagers to the bunker, set off the alarms, use the military to keep people from trampling each other, use the rest to get in the Freedom train and other armored vehicles. Get planes in the sky and get more nukes ready, I want that thing dead with no casualties, remember, this is not an honor mission, it's for survival"

In minutes the entire air force is in the air Heading into the Dragon, following behind is the cavalry of armored vehicles. In my drones, I cast observe on the Dragon


This Grimm is one of 4 divine beasts made by the God of Darkness, she's very dangerous, as she is highly intelligent and capable of independent thought, and is highly durable. It does have weaker wings, and underbelly, but even on the ground she is just as dangerous due to her talons and fire breath.]

[Secret objective discovered: defeat Vorahdin]

"Crap! Qrow this is a divine beast Grimm, get Ozpin on then line to get some help out here, in the meantime, don't stop recording" I said over the mic

I quickly run to the military garage and hop in an armored train and begin heading towards the battle location, while heading over, I focus on the properties of vibranium from the MCU and begin making a kite shield and a spear.

Once I arrive at the battle I look around to see many people injured, but thankfully it looks as if nobody is dead.

I form vibranium armor and use air magic to fly up to the dragon and look at it in the face,

"Drem Yol Lok, vorahdin I am Vincent Paul, etch that name in your mind beast because it will be your DEATH!!!" I said before fanboying over myself

That was soooo cool!!

I throw my spear at the dragon's wing cutting through it, I call back the spear, before pulling the mana gun out of my inventory and filling the battery full of fire and air(in this case pure hydrogen) I fixed the programming so it only shoots out small shots.

I aim the gun at the Dragon narrowly missing a volley of flames, before firing the full magazine at the dragon's wings burning holes through it, I next fill a magazine full of holy and purity magic.

The dragon smacks me with its tail while im distracted bringing me down -1000 health points.

I hear Qrow yell from the tree nearby in panic, thinking I was going to die.

"That all you got, you big smelly lizard? Ive dated women who banged me harder than that!" I yelled taunting the Dragon

The Dragon snarls and lets out another loud screech, before flying at me with its maw wide open I out of the way in time to not get eaten, I counter with a spear jab to the back, getting in between the scales, the spear gets stuck, the beast starts "Dragon" me around in the sky I hop onto the dragons back and press the spear in deeper, causing the dragon to face plant into the ground, to make sure it doesn't start flying again I chain it to the ground in titanium chains before taking my spear and cut holes all up in the wings, next I form a large muzzle on the Dragon, finally I walk directly in front of the dragon.

"You are hereby sentenced to death by purification, tell the god of darkness to eat a bag of phallus-shaped objects," I said before pumping almost every ounce of mana into holy magic I could without passing out.

The Dragon screeched a god-awful sound of death before going limp and slowly fading away.

[Quest alert(completed)]

Destroy all incoming Grimm(1k/1k)

[Secret objective discovered: defeat Vorahdin]

Rewards(100k Exp, +100 rep Haskaria, +50 rep Surrounding villages. +10 rep world( except Atlas))

(massive EXP, massive Rep Haskaria, massive rep surrounding villages, major rep world(minor rep Atlas) massive population boom, )

Extra Rewards(2 titles,[divine slayer: Holy magic is 12x more effective against Grimm][dragons foe: all stats increased by 4], 3mil Lein, 3mil units of various dust(military grade). Increased tourism and even more citizens]

Well, im tired, I will grab a bunch of health potions to help these soldiers.

"General Rockefeller, General Banks, end the shelter order and send every soldier and airman you can to get these men to safety and health. Im going to go to the Palace and get a bunch of options to help with the recovery" I said before waiting for people to come help.

(A/n I didn't say it in the last chapter but thank you so much for reading, and like the story, it means a lot, now I am hoping to get more chapters out soon, it has been a fun and crazy ride so far.

Remember as always, I love hearing any of your questions, comments, and suggestions so make sure to do so. See yall in the next chapter

The King of Remnant Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum