Where am I?

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When I woke up I was locked in a closet with another girl. My hands tied behind my back. "Where- Where are we?" I said looking around. "In a warehouse closet." The other girl whispered. "I'm Kimmy." I whispered back. "Candace." She whispered frightened. "How old are you?" I asked. She looked young. "Only 10. How about you?" She said trying to smile. "I'm 13." I said smiling. "How long have you been in here?" I asked trying to move. But something stopped me. I'm tied to a pole. "About 1 day and a half." She said. "Do they feed you?" I asked trying to get more comfortable.

"Yes. Breakfast, and dinner. But only a little of each." She said eyes wide. "Wow. How long have I been out?" I asked. "Only 15 minutes." She said. "Oh yeah. And we are not support to talk." She said. "Well. Why?" I asked. "I don't know!" She said very freaked out. "If they didn't want us to talk then why put us in the same room?" I said rolling my eyes. "Because they have no more rooms!" She said voice shaky. Oh my god. "How many other people were with you?" I asked very scared. "Um...," she's thinking. "about 13 others." She said. "All kids?" I asked. "Yes. The oldest is 14 and the youngest is 6." She said. What is wrong with these people. "How many were with you?" She asked me. "Just me." I said. "Oh. That's a bummer." She said. "Yes. I was on my way home from Rutters and they came up to me and put me in their van. I hit my head and I fell unconscious." I said trying to grab my phone.

"DINNER!" A man said opening the door and slam I a plate in front of us. "HOW DO WE EAT?" I said rolling me eyes. He didn't answer, just rolled his eyes and slammed the door. "With your face." She said putting her face into her food. Oh god no! I'm not. But I'm hungry. Oh god, here I go. I then put my face down into the mashed potatoes and pork.

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