Registering for a Familia

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So, I finally found a babysitter for the twins. She's a girl who lives next door and is two years older than me. I was a bit hesitant at first, but after hearing her experience with children, I gave her a test run with the twins. I'll be spending the half the day in the dungeon, making more money than usual, and putting in a form to enter a familia. I don't really need a familia, but I want to get stronger and test my limits. I went down to the lower floors to find something more challenging, but nothing was life-threatening challenging. How boring.

Maple: "Maybe I should take a break." I stopped on floor 26 and ate a snack. *sighs* "I wonder how mom and the twins are doing."  I found a puddle and looked at myself.

A/N: He's staring at his eyes.

Maple: I looked at my reflection in the puddle. "Maybe that's why mom always mistakes me for June. My eyes are the same as hers." I sensed a presence and a monster pounced on me. I immediately killed it and destroyed it's magic stone on accident. "...Oops." I continued my raid without a care for my safety.

I finished my little adventure, and went to the guild to exchange my stones.

Guildsman: "800,000 valis."

Maple: 'Huh? I guess the lower floor monster are worth more.' I walked towards the desk. "Excuse, do you know how I can join a familia?" I said to a random guidswoman.

???: "Hmm?" She turned around and faced me. Oh, it was that girl from the other day. "Oh! It's you."

Maple: "So it is. My name is Maple. Pleasure to meet you." I bowed slightly.

Eina: "My name is Eina Tulle." She also bowed. "So, you're looking to be in a familia? I though you were already in a familia since you were exchanging your stones."

Maple: I shook my head. "I've never been in a familia. I've just been hunting in the dungeon. That's it."

Eina: "Without a falna?!" She shouted. "Don't you know how dangerous it is to go into the dungeon without a falna?!" She continued shouting.

Maple: I winced over her shouting and covered my ears. When she was done, I uncovered them and spoke. "It isn't that dangerous since I made it to floor 33 without a scratch. I can probably go even lower if I wanted." She stared at me dumbfounded.

Eina: "W-well regardless," Eina adjusted her glasses. "now I have to strongly recommend you to join a familia. Stay here, I'll give you a list of some and you can meet with one that catches your interest." She went to grab the list, and I looked through them. "How long have you been adventuring?"

Maple: "Well, for a month since I moved to Orario. Before that I lived with my family." I continued looking through the papers.

Eina: "Where's your family now?" She asked, interested.

Maple: "My mother and my sister's kids are living with me." I said.

Eina: "You sister's kids? What about your sister and the rest of your family?"

Maple: I stopped and hesitated "...You don't need to know."

Eina: She had a sad look on her face. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry for asking."

Maple: "It's alright. You don't need to be." I continued. "Anyways, what do you recommend? I want to join a familia that can take my family in. I suppose I have a rather high level." I shifted my position. "So, which familia do you think I should join?" I crossed my right leg over my left and leaned my head on my palm. I threw the paper on the table.

Eina: *Slight blush* "Well, you can join one of the larger familias, like Loki's for example?"

Maple: "Loki's?" Eina picked up the paper and flipped it to the page with Loki's Familia information on it. She read it to me and as I was listening, I had to wonder if they could help me grow.

After the small meeting with Eina, I walked home, stopping for groceries. What should I make for dinner? Maybe some creamy chicken soup? Or perhaps-

Syr: "Maple!"

Maple: "Hmm? Ah, Syr." I walked towards her. "Don't you have work?"

Syr: "Nope, I'm on break! So I was wondering what I would do, until I saw you." She smiled. "Do you wanna get something to eat?"

Maple: "Um, sure. I should have enough time."

Syr: "Great!" She hooked arms with me. "Let's go!" And she pulled me along.

We stopped by a food stall and got some crepes. We sat on the grass and ate our crepes. We also shared our crepes. While we were eating, I noticed that there was something... odd about her. Although, I couldn't put my finger on it. I decided to let it go and continue with our food raid.

Syr: "Uh-oh, it's almost time for my break to be over." She looked up and back at me. "Do you mind if you can walk me back?"

Maple: "Sure, let's go." I walked her back to the hostess and we parted there.

I also walked back to the market to get the groceries. After getting the groceries, I went home and did the normal routine; greet mom, make dinner, take care of the kids, oh and also pay the babysitter.

Maple: "Another repeated day." Then Syr came to mind. "Well, maybe... today was a bit different." A photo of my family was next to me and I picked it up. "Jeez, this was taken at least ten years ago." I looked at the happy family frozen in the frame. June and dad were in there too. Oh, Aither was in the photo too? The boy with golden hair and eyes was standing next to my sister watching her. "The nerve of that bastard."

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