PART - 5

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Here's the most awaited part after a leap... More of Avneil scenes in further part..

Are you excited for it..?

Thank-you MuntahaMafrin for your help.. It's really a great suggestion..


Kids do miss each other.. But perhaps.. Nothing can happen...

~15 years later~
Somewhere on the planet earth..

Mehta mansion..

A girl was standing in her balcony facing moon.. One might feel like she is seeing moon but in actual.. She is missing someone.. Someone so close to her heart.. Someone she don't want to miss but she can't help.. She is very much lost in her thoughts..
She is our cute AVNI..

She still remember the last day she contacted that person..

Flashback starts..

She was sitting on her bed and missing her friend.. It has been 4 days that she last talked to him.. She went to her mom..

Avni- Mom.. (She said being pissed off at her own thoughts..)

Neela- my dear Avi.. What happened..? Why are you pissed off..

Avni- I want to talk to Neilu.. Don't he miss me.. We haven't talked to each other since last 4 days..

Neela- so that's the matter.. But you can't talk to him..

Avni- why..?! Is he angry with me or something else..

Neela- Avi.. You know that he can't be angry with you.... He is the one who can be angry at his parents for you.. But not with you..

Avni- Then why don't he talk to me...?

Neela- Because he is shifted to boarding school by his parents..

Avni- So what.. He can call me from there also..

Neela - Avni.. How can he call from there..? He don't have mobile phone..

Avni- Mom.. He can use Shweta aunty's Mobile... That's so simple..

Neela- Avi.. In boarding school, you have to stay alone.. You can't have your parents with you.. Neither you have a mobile.. It's just you and studies and people who live there..

Avni- Mom.. Why is my Neilu sent at such a place..

Neela - It's for his good.. He will be successful and strong if he will learn to live there..

Avni- Oh.. I see... When can I talk to him..?

Neela- He will call you soon.. Till then.,  you have to wait..

Avni- okay mom.. I will..

Neela- BTW.. Where is our Fashion Queen..

Avni- completing her Beauty sleep.. (she said giggling..)

Neela too smiled..

Neela- now Go and wake her up.. Time for dinner..

Avni goes and Neela gets busy with her work..

Flashback ends..

Avni POV..
I remember that day.. After 1 month.. He called me.. When I came to know.. I was so happy.. But I challenged him.. So stupid of me.. Now..i haven't seen how does he look.. Even he doesn't.. But I miss him so very much..

Avneil story - LOVE YOU FOREVER..  Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu