Eiken Unleashed 2

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Marques: Do you really think it would be that easy for me let you get to her *Smirking kicking me in the chest*

As I coughed up blood he charges at me as I throw up my forearms like an offensive lineman blocking a defensive back, but slipping to the side, pushed the man's elbow down and away, caught his head, and rolled him into the floor. Third of a second once contact was made, and I was on his feet, watching the muscular man rush toward me in slow motion as the three other men, even more slowly, came out of nowhere.  Marques reached under his shirt even as he pushed past the tables. I did not try to stop the gun rolling my hand under his wrist and drove the man's arm over and back, and pulled him backward and down. As I had the gun before him and slammed into the floor, and hit him on the forehead with it two hard times. He put out a nice stiff left, which he planned to follow with a right cross. I slipped to the left, which threw him off enough so that I could step inside the right cross and get a handful of his hair. I pulled his head forward, instead of counting three I head-butted him full in the face. Came off the back foot with a thrust up the legs and whipped my head forward and smashed it into his nose. It was beautifully done... It must have caved his whole face in. Getting to my feet I release the apex pollen formula Megan created in the vents with a remote control putting a gas mask on Bey as a precaution.

Me: Baby we getting out of here together or die trying

She looks at me with widen eyes as my senses kick in and had seen Marques shadow, seen a whisper of movement and dove to the ground grabbing Bey at the same time. Jumping up as the bullet pierce's my thigh ignoring the pain , the blood seeping from the wound in my left thigh. He punched me in the rib cage breaking a few bones in the process smiling as he walked away

Me: *Struggling to breathe as I get up to my feet tapping him on the shoulder* He never turned his back on a wounded person

With one swift movement I lunged my fist against his windpipe watching him gasp for air stumbling back. I run and jump on him as he fell on his back giving him punches to the face, right hook after left hook repeatedly.

Me: You came into my world *Right Hook* you tried to come after my children *Left hook* you touched my wife *Right Hook* Taking her from me and Now you must pay for your sick and depraved ways *getting up and stomps in his face breaking his nose even more in the process*

As I continue you to beat his face in with adrenaline pumping through my veins I didn't see when Bey got loose from her cuffs as she tried to stop me with tears in her eyes.

Bey: Erica baby stop please

All I am seeing is red and the sounds around me are muffled I feel her arms wrapped around me in a soft embrace I sudden stop and fall to my knees coming to realization that Bey is alive. I bring her into a soft embrace hugging her tight. Releasing her to look at her and kiss her the pain of my broken rib cage came in full swing as the adrenaline wore off.

Bey: Baby Are you okay

Me: I'm fine *wincing*

Badly bruised, I took a deep breath. It hurt my ribcage. I exhaled, inhaled again, inched my arms under me and pushed myself up on my hands and knees. My head swam. I felt my stomach tighten and I threw up, which hurt the ribs some more. I stayed that way for a bit, on my hands and knees with my head hanging, like a winded horse. My eyes focused a little better. I could see her. I crawled over, got hold of her hand and slowly got myself upright. Everything blurred for a minute, then came back into focus gain. I inhaled some more and felt a little steadier. Walking out together as Nicki Grabbed Bey helping her into the boat as I stumbled struggling to breathe Aaliyah picked me up.

Aaliyah: Come On Erica this place is gonna blow *Running with Erica as she limps*

As Aaliyah put me in the boat Cyn comes up on the boat in a wetsuit with a detonator in her hand

Cyn: Shawn put this in full speed away from her right now we got 30 seconds *watching the time on the detonator*

Everyone is sitted and Shawn doing as he's told but the boat in over drive and speeds away from project outpost. As soon as we are 8miles out and a good enough distance from the floating outpost we hear a load boom and watch the place go up in flames. Shawn stops the boat so we can admire Cyn's work. I look at my wife and smile at her before collapsing as Shawn Catches me. Bey Rushes to me I smile at her softly as she holds my hand

Me: I told you I was coming to get you

Bey; I never doubted you for a moment and now our baby get both of his or her parents *smiling with tears in her eyes*

I have the love of my life in front and I will never let her out of my sight again. Love is the voice under all the silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear, the strength so strong that mere force is feebleness, when you are motivated by love then you can't fail. LOVE ALWAYS WINS IN THE END

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