Question and Answer Portion!

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Author: Hi. I'm here with my main casts to answer some of the questions that have been asked in the past or has been asked recently. Of course, with my main cast of the book. Aight bois say hi. 

Kein: Hello this is Kein the main character of the story and I'm just here to say thank you for supporting the book as always. 

Rose: Indeed, without your support author would've been toast with the lack of motivation. 

Author: I have my two lovely co-hosts with me, the main ship of the book. Kein x Rose. 

Alright enough dilly dallying let's have our first question that was sent by: GranetPlanet! Thank you so much by the way!

1.) How did you come up with this story? It's a very good plot, basically one of a kind!

Author would answer that it all came to me when I imagined. Man, wouldn't it be great for a yuri story instead of a cool handsome knight, it was actually a cool beautiful knight instead?

I really wanted a yuri story like that but I couldn't find anything like that so here I am making one for my yuri comrades. 

Kein: You got me killed by a truck for this?

Author: Yes, well you were the best candidate if I'm being honest. 

2.) How did you come up with the characters? They're all really unique!

Honestly, I find inspiration of the people around me or I made them up on the spot. Every character have their own likes, dislikes, weaknesses, and strengths. Honestly, sometimes when I'm writing it feels like I'm cutting myself into different kinds of people, writing is hard. 

I have to update really often with school in the way of my writer's block. I have to have a word count of 2K-3K every time I update so ye, suffering is nice.

3.) What weapon will Kein have in the future? (She'll obviously become a Knight so I'm really curious).

Author had this ridiculous idea, she'll have TWO swords. 

One blessed by the heavens and one cursed sword.

We all know that she also can't stop being an artist so Author wanted her to have a PAINTBRUSH SWORD that was gifted by a god. Yes, you heard me. It's a paintbrush that can extend and the bristles will harden itself if the user wished to. 

The cursed sword is for her magic, which I won't reveal yet but if you've read the side chapter: frog knight. I left a hint there. 

That was all for her questions. 

Kein: Wow I'll be a dual wielder? 

Author: Yeah Kein, you will be one hell of a badass bitch. 

Rose: I'm really imagining Kein having two swords in her hands and it looks really well... sexy when she grows up some more... I mean attractive...

Author: I would like to ignore that thirsty comment Rose. Anyways next!

4.) Where harem? Why not both Cecilia and Rose? 

Kein: I will answer this one for author. I am not into polygamous relationships. I told author about this and she respected my wishes of being with only one... and um... yeah its pretty obvious who'll I'll end up with in a few chapters. 

Rose: .////. 

Author: No shit, I swear you kept denying everything in the last chapters Kein.

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