Chapter 14

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This chapter contains torture please dont read it if you are uncomfortable.

You can read it on your own risk and also i dont want any hate comments so dont read if you cant.
At evening

He was walking here and there in hall.he was scared as hell for vaishnavi but not more than her words which more sounded like threat.when he was walking he heard someone coming he looked towards door and found avneet and vaishnavi coming.

He felt relieved when he saw her fine just one bandage on her head.

Vaishnavi:- i am not paralysed you idiot let me go off this wheel chair i can walk (she said annoyed)

Avu:- but i think you shouldn't walk you are too clumsy what if you again fall.

Vaish:- but i didn't fall by my self it was...(she stopped as she saw him)

Both looked towards him he was just standing nervously.

Sid:- h..o..w..a..r..e..y..o..u?(he said stammering as he was scared)

Vaish:- i am f..(she was cut off by avu)

Avu:- cant you see she is alive. you must be sad why she is not dead right?(she said casually)

Sid:- (widened eyes) NO

Tears formed in his eyes.

Sid:- i didn't do it willingly please believe me i never thought that it will hurt her i am sorry.

Avu:- (gritted her teeth) but it hurted her and that also very much.

Vaishnavi glared at her.

Vaish:- how many times i need to tell you that control your anger

Avneet just stood there glaring him he just looked down.

Avu:- go into your room (she said trying to show her self polite but it sounded more like warning)

He ran to their room crying.

Avneet took vaishnavi to her room gave her medicines and made her sleep.she smiled looking at her sleeping figure.she stood up and her expression changed.she slowly walked towards her room. She opened the door and found him crying in corner.

He saw her. He stood up and walked to her slowly.

Sid:- so..rry baby donn i didnt want to hurt her .

She gritted her teeth and held him by throat with both hands.

Sid:- l..l..eave me i..i ca...(he couldn't say as she held him tightly)

Avu:- you son of a bitch you tried to murder my sister (she yelled in his ears)

He was out of breath she saw him and threw him on floor.he was holding his neck and panting.

Avu:- you know what when i reached there (she was saying when tears rolled out on her cheeks)

Avu:- doctor said she could even die or she could lost her memories if we didnt reach on time.(she said crying)

He stood up and came near her.

Sid:- look I didn't mean to hurt her.

She looked up at him furiously and wiped her tears harshly.

Avu:- but you did(she shouted)

She shouted and slapped him tightly he fell on floor again.

Sid:- i am sorry na please forgive me (he said crying)

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