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Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko were just watching a movie, sitting on Fuyuhiko's bed, eating some lunch, as bro's normally do, when suddenly Kaz got a text from his girlfriend, saying:

"We need to talk"

Kazuichi responded with:

"Sure, about what?"

While Kaz awaited a reply, Fuyuhiko noticed this and said, "Who's that?" "Oh it's just [random girlfriend name here]"

Kazuichi got kind of worried, mostly since his girlfriend never needed anything from him, and now that she did, he began to assume the worst.

What if she's gonna break up with me? What will she do? What'll I do?

He got another text:

"Where are you right now?"

"At fuyu's house, why?"

"Ugh, again?"

"He only invited me to watch a movie, that's all"

"Don't you think you spend too much time with him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you cheating on me?"

"Of course not! Why would you think that?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's because you kind of LIVE WITH HIM?!"

Kazuichi's emotions were getting the best of him, and he started to tear up. [let's just say Kazuichi's a little too emotional in this one since I'm a bad writer] He couldn't believe his own girlfriend would think Kaz would do such a thing to her, not to mention he was the one who wanted to get together with her.

Fuyuhiko noticed Kazuichi get upset, and got concerned.

"Kaz, you okay?" Fuyuhiko asked softly. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, why?"

Fuyuhiko kind of ignored his question and said, "What happened? Did she say something?" Kazuichi showed Fuyuhiko the phone and heard a soft gasp a few seconds later. Fuyuhiko decided it would be a good idea to sit right next to Kaz. Obviously so he could see the screen of course! Totally not any other reason...

Kazuichi's phone went off a few seconds later, showing his girlfriend was calling. The sudden noise coming from the phone made Fuyuhiko scoot closer to Kazuichi, if there were more space between them.

Fuyuhiko definitely wasn't going to allow even a bit of space between them.


Kazuichi answered with a "Hey baby, what's wrong?"

"Was that really necessary to ask?" Her girlfriend answered sternly. "I think you know what's wrong, Souda."

Ouch. Fuyuhiko thought. He knew Kazuichi hated it when his girlfriend called him by his last name, and when she does, she's really not happy.

"Listen, before I tell you, can you make sure...he's not listening? I wouldn't want him to hear this." Fuyuhiko was listening very closely, knowing that is was him his girlfriend was talking about, and Kazuichi knew that too.

But to keep his girlfriend from suspecting anything, Kazuichi replied with, "Oh, he's just in the bathroom, we're fine." Fuyuhiko knew he was going to regret listening to Kazuichi's phone conversation, mostly because it would possibly end Kazuichi's friendship with him, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"To be completely honest, I don't like Kuzuryu. He's always nagging for you to hang out with him, and it should stop."

"W-what do you mean? If anything, I'm always the one nagging, not him."
Fuyuhiko slightly blushed hearing his best friend talk about him in a way Kazuichi had never spoken about him before, [even though this isn't a really special way to talk about him] and kept listening.

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