Return to Hogwarts

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I looked out of my bedroom window at the landscape beyond, sighing happily. Ever since Voldemort was killed nearly a year ago, Hogwarts has been being rebuilt so that it could reopen. I missed my older brother Fred, but with George around, it's almost like he's still around. There have been nights where I've cried myself to sleep, thinking about him and Remus and Tonks and everyone else who was killed in the battle. Harry rarely talks to me anymore, because he blames himself for Fred's death, and I did too at first. Then I realized that it wouldn't help anything to place blame on people who don't deserve it, so I forgave him and told him that it wasn't his fault that Fred died. So far, though, it still hasn't changed his mind, and it's kind of starting to get on my nerves. That was nothing compared to what happened a few days before the new school year.

I was home by myself when there came a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door, and I laid eyes on none other than Draco Malfoy. "May I come in?" He asked. "Uh, s-sure," I replied. Draco walked in and sat down on the couch in the sitting room. "So, where are the others?" He asked. "Well, Ron and Hermione are looking for houses, George is at the joke shop, Dad's at the Ministry, Mum went shopping in Diagon Alley, and Harry's in training to become an Auror," I said. "Cool. I hope he does well. Harry, that is," he said as I sat down next to him and looked at my hands. "Is there something wrong?" He asked me calmly. "Yeah. It's Harry. He hardly talks to me anymore, and he still blames himself for my brother's death. I can't help but think that he and I are drifting apart," I said, wondering why I was even telling him about it. "I agree. If he doesn't talk to you much, maybe it's time for you to move on," he said. "Maybe you have a point there, Draco," I said, meeting his eyes for the first time since he arrived. I could see something in those gray eyes, but I couldn't quite tell what. To my surprise, he started to lean in closer to me, and as much as my heart was telling me to keep him from getting closer, it was also pleading with me to let him. Before I could decide what to do, I felt his lips press against mine. My heart started beating faster, I clung to Draco like a lifeline, and I melted into the kiss, not wanting the moment to end. All too soon, however, he pulled away from me. "What have I done?" I asked myself. "I shouldn't have done that," Draco said, moving as far from me as he could, making me sad. "Draco... I've never had someone kiss me like that before. I feel this... this longing to be close to you, as if I'll simply fade away if I'm not close to you," I said. "Don't you feel guilty for kissing me when you're dating Harry, though?" He asked, and I paused to think for a moment.

"Surprisingly, I don't feel all that guilty about the kiss," I said, and he looked at me in disbelief. "I know, I'm having a hard time believing it myself," I said calmly. "I know that I probably shouldn't ask you this, but... Do you want me to stay here with you for a bit?" He asked me. "I'd really like that, Draco," I said, scooting closer to him so I could lay my head in his lap. "Comfortable?" He asked with a soft laugh. "Very," I replied, smiling brightly. The door opened, and I jumped into a sitting position, moving away from Draco. Moments later, Harry came into the room and sat down next to me. "So, how was your day, Harry?" I asked him, but he didn't respond. "What are you doing here, Malfoy?" He asked Draco. "Just felt like paying a visit, Potter. Or do I have to have a different reason?" Draco asked, but Harry didn't get a chance to reply, because I had stood up.

"I can't believe this. You just said more to your old school nemesis than you've said to me in the past week," I said, and Harry sat there looking at me. "I'm only gonna say this one time. Stop blaming yourself for my brother's death, and start talking to me again, or else it's over between us," I said. "That's the problem, Ginny. Your brother's death is my fault. The rest of your family recognizes that, but you keep telling me that it's not. If I had just given myself up to Voldemort, Fred would still be alive today!" He said, starting to get louder. "Harry, who's to say that the Battle of Hogwarts wouldn't have happened if you had given yourself up?! Either way, you still would've had to go to the castle to destroy the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw, or Voldemort would still be alive today! The battle would've happened either way! Harry, you know how much I wish Fred was still here, but he died protecting you and your values, and I think that's how he would've wanted to go out, fighting for what he believed in!" I shouted at Harry. "Still, I could've made the choice to give myself up, and I didn't, so because of that choice, everyone who died fighting against Voldemort died because I didn't choose to sacrifice myself for the good of the rest of the Wizarding World!" He shouted back, and I took a few steps back. "Harry, stop dwelling on the past! That won't solve anything. It won't bring any of them back," I said, starting to tear up. "Ginny... I had no idea that I was hurting you like that..." he said. "I noticed," I replied. "Um, can I say something really quick?" Draco asked, and I nodded for him to continue. "I kissed Ginny a little bit before you got here. I know, I know, it was wrong, but I just couldn't help it," he said, and Harry's expression darkened. "You can not be serious, Malfoy," he said in an eerily calm voice. "He's telling the truth," I said. "Ginny, don't -" Draco started to say, but I held up my hand to stop him. "He deserves to know what I told you," I told him.

"What're you on about?" Harry asked me. "When Draco kissed me... I thought that I would feel guilty about it, but... but I didn't. I still don't, actually," I admitted. "I understand. I haven't exactly been the best boyfriend lately. Hell, I can't even let go of something that happened a year ago," he said in a surprisingly calm voice. "You... you're not... mad at me?" I asked. "No. I'm more mad at myself than anything. I should have realized that I was hurting you by not talking to you, but I didn't," he said. "It's okay. I know how you get when you start blaming yourself for stuff. Look, what I'm trying to say is, I know how much you want to keep your guilt in, but you know, it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone about it. Who knows? It might even help you feel better," I said. "Yeah, maybe. Thanks for the advice, Ginny. See you around," Harry said, and he went towards the door. "I didn't say you had to leave," I said. "Oh, I wouldn't want to interrupt or anything," he said. "Harry, please just stay," I said. "Okay, okay, I'll stay. I'll just... give you two some time alone, yeah? You won't even know that I'm here," he said, and I smiled at him. "Thank you, Harry. Talk to you in a bit, okay?" I asked him. "Sure," he replied with a shrug. He left for his room, and I turned to Draco. "Alright, where were we?" I asked coyly. "I forgot," Draco said. "Allow me to remind you, then," I said, pulling him into a kiss.

"Well, I think that I am going to head to bed. See you all in the morning," I said later that evening. "Night Gin," Ron said, and the others bade me goodnight. I took a quick shower, then put on some pajamas and climbed into my comfortable bed. The others went to bed pretty soon after me, and for a while, I was at peace. Then, around midnight, the nightmares began. I abruptly woke up with a scream, placing my hand over my heart in an attempt to get it to slow down. I heard the door open and close, followed by someone sitting down on the side of my bed. I felt warm, strong arms around my body, and I looked up into Draco's gray eyes. "Nightmare?" He asked me softly, and I nodded in reply. "What was it about?" He asked, so I told him. "Don't worry, I won't leave you like that. I won't leave you at all," he said, getting up from my bed. "No! Please stay with me," I said. He sat back down and looked at me. "I don't want to have another nightmare," I said. "I don't know what to tell you. It's not like I can just sleep in here with you. That'd give your family the wrong idea," he replied. "Come on, please? No one else has to know about it, and if someone asks us about it, we'll tell them the truth, that you're only sleeping with me to keep my nightmares away," I said, and I could tell he was warming up to the idea. "Alright," he said, leaping into my bed from the other side. "Good night, Ginny," he said. "Good night, Draco," I replied, and I went back to sleep.

"Hey Draco, where'd you go last night? I heard you get out of your bed, but I didn't hear you come back," Ron said at breakfast the next morning. "It's none of your business," both Draco and I said at once, causing Ron's eyes to narrow with suspicion. "I'm not sure I believe that," he said. "Okay, fine. If you must know, Draco was sleeping in my room, because I was having nightmares," I said icily. "Uh-huh, sure. I saw the way you two were looking at each other yesterday," Ron replied. "What's that supposed to mean?!" I asked him, my voice rising an octave. "You know what I mean," Ron replied stubbornly. "I was not looking at Ginny like that!" Draco said, and Ron rolled his eyes. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "What?" Ron snapped at me. "I love you, but you can really be a major pain sometimes," I said. "Whatever. I know what you two were really up to last night," he replied.

The days leading up to the first of September were pretty much the same, with just Draco and me at home during the day, and the rest of the family from about dinnertime until 8:00 am each day. I held Draco's hand, and we apparated to King's Cross Station, right onto Platform Nine and Three Quarters, where the gleaming scarlet steam train sat waiting to take us to Hogwarts.

I started writing this book about a month ago, and I figured it was about time that I published it. Hope you enjoy it. Bye for now!

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