Chapter 14: As The Years Go By(Part 3)

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"Man why does it have to be so hard to choose one and why did I have to wait until the last minute?" She held her head until she finally made up her mind. "Alright let just pick the Tenth since the teachers says that its a great starting point for new recruits."

Flashback end

Tenten, along with the other recruits that picked the Tenth, stood in a line on one of the training grounds but what confused them was the fact that several members were sitting at the sidelines. Some were eating and some were betting on something about them but before she could give it a little more thought, the Captain and his two lieutenants appeared in front of them.

The captain was well... small, just a couple inches shorter than her and more importantly, a kidHe had snow white hair that ignored gravity and teal eyes that seemed to bore into her soul as he kept his gaze on her and wearing a captain's cloak. On his back was his Zanpakuto which was longer than him and each of his lieutenants stood on one side of them.

One was another kid but a girl with black hair in a ponytail, her Zanpakuto on her side, and just staring at the ground. The other was an adult with blond hair and a large chest that made Tenten feel slightly jealous at how big they were but she crushed that thought. She was a Shinigami now and appearances wasn't everything.

... She did make mental note on to ask her what she ate or drank to get her chest that big.

"Attention everyone. As of right now, you are all members of the Tenth Division until you decided to transfer to another division, retire, or die." The smaller Lieutenant bluntly said still not making eye contact with anything but the ground and made some of the recruits nervous. "I'm Lieutenant Beifong and mountain peaks over there is Lieutenant Matsumoto. Between us is Captain Shihoin Toshiro of the Tenth. Now we'll decided which seat you'll start out with a little spar and you get to chose between the three of us standing here. The longer you last, the higher your starting seat."

Some of the recruits started to eagerly whisper to each other at the chance of starting out with a high seat. "So whose first?"

One of the recruits stepped out of the line and Tenten recognized him as one of the more rowdy students back at the Academy.

"I'll go and I chose the woman with the nice jugs there." Everyone then cleared the field except for the two and one of the division members shouted.

"Begin!" The man ran forward but the Lieutenant simply disappeared and reappear right in front of him and deliver a painful strike to his stomach that sent him flying into the wall behind him. "Next." She said with a smile and the next person walked up to the area but asked to fight the smaller lieutenant instead...

Said person was sent flying a second into the match by a flying fist of rock.

It went on like this for the next couple minutes with people stepping up to fight or being picked at random to fight only to get beaten in a second and soon it was Tenten's turn. However she surprised everyone by saying.

"I wish to fight the captain." The two lieutenants looked at the boy between them who walked up to the area and Tenten got into a stance.

'Okay just stay calm. Your just facing a captain who could probably beat my ass from here to the World of the Living as easily as breathing.' She thought and moved after the member said begin.

Toshiro Hitsugaya: A new Horizon Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz