Knowing that you are pregnant

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You have ben throwing up each morning for about a week now, so your husband tells you to go to the doctor. You leave the house (Tom is out shooting for the Avengers movie) and drive to the doctors. When you hear you are pregnant, you start to freak out because you didn't know what your husband was going to say, you weren't ready to be a mother and you were not really sure that you were pregnant. So on the drive home you got a pregnancy test to make sure. You were on the toilet waiting for the timer to go off and when you nervously looked at it, you could see 2 lines meaning that you were really pregnant. You started to cry because you didn't want me this to happen.
Your husband texted you that he wanted to see you and know what the doctor had said, so you sadly left the house and drove to the set of the Avengers.

When you got there, you texted Tom to let him know that you were there. You were only waiting for a few minutes when Tom came over. You were a nervous wreck when he approached you, "Hey, you made it." He happily said to you. "Hi Tom." He didn't notice that there was a hint of sadness in your voice. "So, what did the doctor say y/n?" You looked down at your feet and you finally told him that it was nothing, just sickness and that it will pass soon.Tom didn't look to convinced that you were telling the truth, but he let it go when he saw that you were feeling uncomfortable. "I should probably get back to the set. See you later y/n." as he hugged and kissed you on the cheek. "Bye Tom." Then after he walked away you left and went back home.
Around evening when your husband came home, you were in your bedroom crying. "Hello. Y/n are you here?" He took off his coat and left his bag by the door. There was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen, as dinner was ready. He was looking around for you, when he arrived. Your face was still red from crying and nose was runny. Tom looked at you wondering what had happened and gave you an comforting hug. "It's ok. I'm here now." He said quietly in your ear.

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