Chapter 3: Borderline

ابدأ من البداية

"This is bad... it means...", glancing sideways to the carriage beside this place, Kim Dokja thought of the protagonist "He's there".

Without Kim Dokja knew, in the Carriage 3707, not only Yoo Joonghyuk who would survive this time. She knew what happened inside carriage 3707, thanks to the Dokkaebi Bihyung who showed the real-time show from the school for girls and carriage 3707.

In the school for girls, there was a girl named Lee Jihye who survived after she killed her friend.

What made Kim Dokja shocked was what happened in carriage 3707.

It showed a young woman with shoulder-length black hair who wore a red gown under her white coat. Her red gown and white coat were covered with blood. Swinging the knife in her hand, she hummed as she approaching a man in front of her.

The panicked man on the floor, who waving his hands, dropped to his bottom, crawling backwards with a frightened expression "Sooyoung, we still can speak!".

"Speak? About what?", tapping the bloodied knife on her hand to her finger, she smiled "Oh, but I guess I will let you tell me about your last wish. Go on".

That man bowed his body with his knees, his palms, and his forehead on the floor "Forgive me!".

Han Sooyoung crouched in front of that man "Forgive you? What for?".

"I know you must hate me because I bullied your sister. I regret it! I like her who only liked our Senior, that's why I-!".

"Such a nonsense you're talking about", Han Sooyoung stabbed that man's hands, not fully listening to his words. After that man screamed in pain, Han Sooyoung laughed and relished his agony "Are you kidding me? If my sister heard your words, she would puke".

Pulling that man's hair, Han Sooyoung glared down coldly, pointing her knife on that man's throat "Song Minwoo, do you know? I always want to kill you, for hurting my sister. You and your gang always bullied my sister and it'd only got worsened after the Senior who always protected her had graduated. For two years, my sister had to endure the bullying in the school. Her indigestion got worsened due to the depression, to the point her body refused to eat. In her 19th years old, in order to save my sister who got the complication, my mother donated her internal organs. After my mother passed away 5 years ago, I and my sister only have each other now. Do you think... whose fault it is, huh?".

"Oh, so that's what happened", a foot stomped hardly on Song Minwoo's back "Shall I kill him for your sister?".

Han Sooyoung protested, waving her knife "Oi, you haven't had enough of killing the people here? Told you, let me kill Song Minwoo and his gang. Do not interfere in my revenge"

After that unknown man lifted his foot, Han Sooyoung slit Song Minwoo's throat "No mercy".

The screen on the air did not show who was this unknown man. What they knew, it happened right beside this carriage. Next second, the pandemonium started with Kim Namwon who killed a grandmother with his knife. To be honest, Kim Dokja did not care who would die or alive in this carriage.

What she knew, she should survive for the sake of her adopted mother.

"Dokja, remember this. What's important is not how long you live, but how do you live".

For the sake of her promise to her deceased adopted mother who sacrificed her life for her, Kim Dokja decided to live. Squeezing Yoo Sangah's shoulders, Kim Dokja whispered "Stay there".

Strange. It was the first time for her to do the Scenario. However, everything felt so familiar to her. She could survive because she killed the insect. The same case with the other survivors, other than the brat named Kim Namwoon.

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