12 > "Afraid, small one?" ~Riccardo

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The rest of the week passed by in a blur. Safe to say Enrico wasn't impressed when I had gotten detention again, but what could he do about it? Lucky for me he let that one slide, not without a warning that I would have to face consequences the next time.

Somehow Friday's at school always drag. It's like time knows everyone is eager to go home and and decides to make everyone suffer. It didn't help that I had gotten around 19 hours of sleep. Throughout the week. That's roughly 4 hours of sleep a night. And it was taking it's toll on me.

Entering school I had the sole intention of just getting through the day unnoticed. Because if those damned teachers had to say something today and I opened my mouth, I could get myself detention for the rest of the year. Doesn't help that Mr Henderson seems to run detention. The devil's spawn I tell you.

I trudged on from class to class dragging myself around. After a gruelling English lesson in which we had a pop quiz, I was more than relieved when the bell rang for lunch. "I think I lost some brain cells." Nathan commented.

"You mean lost the few brain cells that you actually had?" James questioned. Nathan glared at him. "I'm not getting you any food." And with that he took off to the cafeteria.

"I'll catch you guys just now." James told the rest of us and left taking Brook with him. Before I could even question where they were going, Chloe grabbed my hand and dragged me outside along with her and Chase. "Geez slow down woman." I complained from behind her.

Not paying attention to my protests she dragged me along until we reached a grassy area that had picnic tables present. Plopping down on the bench that was shaded by a tree she pulled her phone and a boom box out of her bag.

"Wait are those even allowed at school?" I asked knowing how many times it got confiscated back at my old school.

"I didn't see anything in the rule book, did you?" She asked pondering over it.

"I didn't read the rule book." I deadpanned. It was sitting rather comfortably in the depths of my closet. Never to be found anytime soon.

"We bring the boom box every Friday in any case and haven't gotten into trouble so I'm guessing it's allowed." Chase said as he pulled out packet of cookies that were contained in a zip seal plastic bag.

Nathan materialised out of no where with tons of snacks in his arms which he quickly dropped onto the table, snatching up the bag of cookies.

"Oh my god." He stated in wonder, his eyes alight in happiness. "Mrs Sanchez made cookies?" He exclaimed in delight. He suddenly glared at all of us. "These are mine."

"Oww, hey!" He yelled as James came from behind him and smacked his head, taking the cookies back. He shook his head at Nathan and places the cookies on the table infront on Brook. Nathan stepped forward about to reach for them when Brook's voice rang out.

"Touch them, I dare you." There was an underlying threat in her words. Her voice was not her normal quiet one but it was rather cold. Girl was serious about her food. Note to self. Don't mess with Brook when it comes to her food.

Nathan paled at that and immediately sat down like a scolded child next to me. I held in a laugh at his somber expression. "Well this is fun and all, but why are outside..." My eyes scanned the table "...with a bunch of snacks on the table?"

"Oh we do this every Friday." Brook began explaining back to her quiet but chirpy self. "Chase and Chloe actually take dance classes, so they show us what they've learnt and we just chill and give input or even join them sometimes. They currently prepping for an upcoming competition. And as for the snacks... Why not?"

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