-The Guy That I Met 2 -

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y/n : i.....

   - levi came back with y/ns towel!!!-

Levi : Hey y/n i got your towel! *smiles*

y/n : Aww thanks Levi that's so sweet of you...

Levi blushes and later y/n saw Dylan standing over there hearing it all...

y/n : Sorry Dylan.. I  will swim with Levi... Sorry we can swim next time okay?

Dylan : oh okay *makes a sad face *

        - Dylan left from the beach... -

y/n in her mind : I'm such a bad person I just can't swim with someone that is so hot... Levi is hot too. But he is my best friend.. I think I lost Dylan Zippe , At least  I have his name and his number...

Levi : y/n are you coming???

-y/n walks over the sand with Levi and tries to forget what happen today..-

y/n : Yeah I'm coming!!!

Levi in his mind : who was that guy.. That was starring at y/n and who farted at his eye??

y/n : come on Levi *splashes Levi and smiles *

-Levi had a shocked blushing face... -

Levi : haha stop that *laughs and splashes y/n *

-After an hour Levi and y/n  left from the beach and now they are at their houses -

Dylan Zippe x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now