18 | fight for you

Start from the beginning

You bury your face in your hands. The only thing you remember is having sex in the bathroom at the club. You don't really need to remember anything else.

«Thanksgiving,» you say quickly, in order to change the subject. You look up and see Susan and Barbara glaring at you. «Well?» You say. «Are you gonna be at the country club?»

They both nod. «Of course,» Barbara says. «My parents are forcing me. The beach party is the only thing keeping me going.» You raise your eyebrows at her. «Beach party?»

Barbara tilts her head. «You haven't heard?» She asks. You shake your head. «Well it's a party. At the beach. On Thanksgiving. Everyone's gonna be there. Are you?»

You can only cross your fingers and pray that your father has left before then. Because there's no way he's letting you go to a party with the way things are now. «I'll be there,» you say. A girl can dream.

* * *

After school, you know your father's waiting for you in the parking lot. «Do you need a ride?» Ali asks. She's holding Daniel's hand, so you assume they're going home together. You shake your head. «I have one, I just need to mentally prepare.»

Daniel snorts. «Your father?» He asks. You throw your head back in a sigh. «Yeah, unfortunately.» Daniel puts a hand on your shoulder. «Well, good luck.» You give him a smile as they both walk off.

You watch as the hallway around you empties completely. Everyone's either going home or to a new class. You don't really want to go home.

Then, you hear steps walking up to you from behind. «Hey, cupcake,» someone says in your ear. You can recognize that voice anywhere. You turn around with a smile on your face, but it immediately drops when you see Johnny's face.

It's badly bruised, and his left eye is so swollen you can't believe he's able to see through it. He also has a deep cut in his bottom lip.

«Johnny, your face,» you say worriedly and put a hand to his face. «Don't worry about it,» he says and removes your hand. «This is all my fault,» you say, and look away. You know his step father did this.

«Don't blame yourself,» he says. You shake your head. «But I should,» you say. «If my dad hadn't talked to Sid, he wouldn't have—» «He would've found another reason, y/n,» Johnny interrupts.

You hate the fact that he's so casual about it. «Hey,» he says and strokes your cheek. «Don't worry, it's not that bad.» You glare at him. «It looks bad, Johnny.» He only shrugs. «It's nothing. Don't worry

It doesn't seem like nothing. You know he's just playing tough, like always. «Is there anything I can do to help?» You ask as you intertwine your hands in his. «There is one thing,» Johnny says as he leans in and kisses you.

He's careful - probably because of the cut in his lip, but it's still passionate. He pulls out and looks at you; slowly removing a strand of hair from your face. The way he looks at you makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world. But you can't ignore the pit in your stomach.

«You shouldn't be here,» you say in a sigh as you pull out. «What do you mean?» Johnny replies as he puts your hair behind your ear.

«You know what I mean,» you scoff. He looks terrible. It almost makes you sick just looking at his face. Johnny rolls his eyes at you.

«How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?» He says and puts his hand in yours. «And how many times do I have to tell you I don't believe you?» You reply.

«Maybe we shouldn't see each other while my father's home,» you say in a sigh. «Why don't you let me talk to him?» Johnny suggests. You have to laugh. «What?» He says and throws his hands up.

«Did you even have a look in the mirror this morning?» You say in a scoff. «You look like shit, Johnny. And it's my dad's fault. No way are you talking to him.»

Johnny shakes his head. «I'm not gonna let him come between us. Let me fight for you.» You press two fingers against your temple. «I can't be responsible for what you have to go through,» you say and bite your lip.

The image of Sid hurting Johnny flashes before your eyes, making you cringe. «You're not responsible,» Johnny says; visibly annoyed. You rest your back against the locker. «I feel like I am.»

«Well,» Johnny says as he puts his hands on either side of your head, and hovers over you. «I don't mind getting a little bloody for you.»

You roll your eyes at him. He puts his lips against yours, and his tongue delves into your mouth. You push him gently away. «I'm serious, Johnny.»

He leaves a few kisses across your neck. «So am I.» You wonder how many weeks or months or years it takes before you stop getting butterflies from a simple kiss. You hope you never have to find out.

«Fuck, Johnny,» you say in a sigh as you rest your head against his chest. «This isn't good.» He puts a finger under your chin, and tilts your head up. «I think it's great.»

You snort. «It's reckless, that's what it is.» Johnny titters. «Reckless is good,» he says with a smirk. «Maybe sometimes,» you have to admit.

Johnny smiles. «Wow, am I rubbing off on you?» He asks as he grabs your waist and pulls you closer. «Do you want to?» You say teasingly as you feel his bulge against your hips.

«I could tell you all the things I want to,» he says as he leans in; his lips hovering over yours. You feel his hot breath enter your mouth. «How about you show me?» You ask; feeling short of breath.

Johnny grabs your waist and slams you against the locker. Your lips are finally about to meet when Bobby interrupts you.

«Sorry, guys,» Bobby says awkwardly as he leans against the locker. «You two weren't about to fuck, were you?» You look down in a blush. «What the fuck do you want?» Johnny groans.

«We need you at practice, man!» Bobby says. Johnny runs a hand through his hair. «Shit, I forgot about that.» Bobby rubs his neck. «Kreese is gonna lose it if you don't show.»

Johnny nods. «Yeah, I'll be there.» Bobby puts his hands on Johnny's shoulders. «Hate to steal your man, y/n,» he says. You chuckle lightly. «He's all yours.»

They're about to walk off when Johnny reaches for your hand. «I do mean it, y/n. I don't care that your father hates me. I'm gonna fight for you.»

God, what you'd do if Bobby wasn't here right now. You can't wait for your father to leave again. «Ambition is a great look on you, Cobra Kai,» you say in a smirk. «I'll see you, okay?» he says, like it's a statement. A promise. «Okay,» you reply in a blush.

* * *

[A/N: Hope you're having a great week! This chapter feels so unnecessary and boring, but I needed a kind of filler <3 I've had such a writer's block, but the next few chapters are going to be better, promise :) Anyways, here's a really cute gif]

[A/N: Hope you're having a great week! This chapter feels so unnecessary and boring, but I needed a kind of filler <3 I've had such a writer's block, but the next few chapters are going to be better, promise :) Anyways, here's a really cute gif]

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