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The Don


Tiredness stirred in the back of my eyes as they fluttered open, my honey-brown eyes orbiting the unknown surroundings. The darkness around me buzzed, fuzzy green specks flickering into the corners of my peripheral vision. I could feel my platinum blonde locks sway behind my head as I began to stumble about, the silky duvet falling from my body as I arose. 

Cold wooden floor embedded its chills through the soles of my feet; My black cotton socks barely sheltering me from the full chilliness of it. Bony hands hid underneath the colossal sleeves of Giovanni's jumper, the material enforcing protection, preventing the cold from seeping to my skin. 

Floorboards of a staircase creaked from under me as the colourless sightings loomed about my figure; The long strands of my hair feeling up my back as it bounced in a tickling manner. My dainty fingers clasped around the door handle, testing which way I need to turn it, an anti-clockwise let me push the door open into an even darker hallway. A shiver ran up my spine and across the hairs of my body from the freezing force of the atmosphere that lay still in the long space. 

My eyes adjusted to the nothingness, letting me see different objects ever so faintly. A staircase could be seen going downwards so I took to it, precaution setting in my bones with each step. I lowered myself into the darkness, reaching the bottom of the staircase fairly quickly. My feet unconsciously wandered, leading through the strange surroundings that were encased in the nighttime. The gentle brushing of my body against the walls sounded through the halls I traveled along and the air felt cool as it brushed along my body. I stopped still once I came upon a grande luxurious kitchen, bringing myself the last few steps towards the white and grey marble island. 

I grew lost in the decor; The gorgeous abstract swirls of marble countertops onto of light birchwood cupboards and drawers; The long window placed above the sink, looking out into a jungle of a garden; Subtle moonlight shone innocently in from the window, littering into the kitchen and reaching all corners of the room. 

"Who the fuck are you?" The voice pierced through my fixed admiration of the kitchen, scaring me into jumping towards the voice, only to find a man staring at my through the dark in pure curiosity. No aggression was laced in his tone which calmed my now racing heart but the unfamiliar man and setting did set nervousness about my body. His hair was a deep black which I had seen before, intriguing my ever so, and green eyes blaring into mine. He gave me the same odd feeling of comfort that Giovanni did but he was all so very different while being ever so the same. 

"Alice." It was all I could muster to the stranger as I didn't have the slightest clue as to what I was meant to say and as to where I was. "How did you get into my house, Alice?" He seemed so chill to the situation, maybe it was because of how non-intimidating I was, indicating that I was no threat. "I don't know," The slight raise of his bushy eyebrow could be seen in the dimly lit moonlight, "Last thing I remember was falling asleep in Giovanni's car and then I woke up here." It was more of a conversation I was having with myself for this stranger didn't know who he was, surely. "Wait, how do you kn-" His words were cut off by the subject of our conversation and the bright white light shining around us. 

"There you are. I was just going to check up on you but you weren't there." He explained, a smile playing on his face as he spoke, confusion evident in his warm eyes. "Oh, Landon, what are you doing up so late?" The name registered in my mind, memorising it along with his god-like features. I took a minute to analyse him, noticing all the similarities between Landon and Giovanni, they had to be brothers; They were practically copies of each other. 

"Had to deal with some business and then I came to get a drink." Giovanni nods at his comment, eyes still lingering on my figure. "Well then get your drink and leave." Those words pretty much confirmed they were siblings, and Landon was definitely the younger one. He started walking towards the cupboards, pulling open the door and grabbing a pint glass before heading in the direction of a large double doored fridge freezer. He Opened the right side and filled the glass with a carton of what appeared to be apple juice, placing the carton back but in the wrong place. 

Just as he was leaving, his voice reached my ears again, "I thought you were gay". I couldn't hold in the little laugh that was in my throat, it escaped passed my lips before I could stop it; Both boys looked at me as the noise resonated through the lit kitchen. "I am." Annoyance ran through Giovanni's voice and the younger boy left with his full glass and a smug look plastered along his face, leaving us in the beautifully decorated kitchen. 


Okay, so, it's short and it's been months I think since the last update but I'm going to put this here and wish you all well till next chapter (which will probably be another couple pf months. MAYBE)


The Donजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें