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March 29th.

No one POV-

Its been months and no one has seen Jason. Ray got better and they rebuilt friendship but, Jason hasn't been seen by anyone. Not at school, not outside and he doesn't answer anyone. But finally the gang decided to visit his house.

Ray POV-

I sighed walking up the staircase to Jasons room. As we approached, we heard music. Clara knocked and soon, a red hair guy with a fire colored shirt answered.

???-" hello?"

Clara-" hello, we are looking for a guy named Jason."

???-" JASON! Three people are looking for youuu!"

Jason-" your annoying flex!"

Soon a messed up Jason appeared.

Jason-" wha.."

Clara-" why haven't you answered anyone!? We were worried!"

Jason-" i gave you all distance from me, so nothing would happen!"

Lania-" no yelling."

Ray-" can we come in..?"

He nodded. We entered to a room that looks like its owned by a band.


Flex-" cmon we we're recording!"

Jason-" IT CAN WAIT"


Soon the fire color guy and a blue haired guy came out of a room.

Flex-" sup, I'm flex. This is Zander"

The other guy waved. We waved back.

Jason-" guys meet Ray, Carla and Lania."

Flex-" nice name ray."

Ray-" thanks"

Zander-" wait- THE ray!? The guy who was hospitalized but survived three hours in the freezing cold?? Man Jason Has told us sooo much about you!"

I smiled and we all talked. But soon enough, Jason yelled.


Flex grabbed a microphone, Zander grabbed drumsticks while Jason grabbed a normal guitar. They ushered us out and soon music came from inside. We talked throughout the car ride home. They dropped me off and i searched his name up. He popped up as a guitarist for a band. The singer was Flex and the drummer was Zander. I listened to their music and smiled. This is really good. I reached into my phone and texted him.


-Jason =.=-

Hey Jason, its ray. You wanna hang out sometime? :R

J: Sure, meet you at the cafe downtown tomorrow at noon?

Sure! :R

I smiled and put my phone down. Maybe it will be better.

Gay best friendsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя