In Tears

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Drew and Adam entered the infirmary, Adam leading the way to the front desk. Knowing that they were there to help, the rest of the short remaining line had no trouble allowing them in front of them.

Adam approached the front table and recognized Lorene sitting in a chair, turned away from them.

"Hey Lorene." Adam said, putting a hand onto the table. "We were just.." Adam said but was cut off as Lorene turned around. Her nose was red and puffy as well as her eyes. She had a tissue in her hand. She sniffled and discarded her tissue into the wastebasket before attempting a smile.

"Hey guys." She said, still in tears, her voice still strained. "Lorene, are you okay?" Drew asked with concern in his voice. If she had any hopes of appearing okay then they were demolished immediately. Her faced contorted once again and she grabbed a fresh tissue from the box.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked, circling around the desk to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Did Cameron do something stupid?" Adam asked. "Because if he did it's probably just his way of trying to say he likes you."

This got Lorene to smile a bit but the tears still rolled down her face. "No it's not Cameron. He's been a huge help around here today actually." She told them. "Well what is it then?" Drew asked.

She sniffled and swallowed hard before attempting an answer. "It's.. It's Ramon.." She muttered. Adam and Drew exchanged a worried look. "Ramon Pascow? The map charter that Cameron's been filling in for?" Adam asked. With a sniffle Lorene nodded.

"What happened? Is he okay?" Drew asked, half afraid of what he might hear. Lorene squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed deeply. "Ramon Pascow is dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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