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He just laid there; motionless, not breathing, seemingly dead. Ironic really, how he thought he could survive but ended up being caught in death's grasp. His fate is what we all expected really. Brutally impaled on the triceratops horns by a certain blue raptor that pounced him. His own blood staining the horns, one in his chest, another in his leg. But wait, what if he was somehow alive?

Ripper's eyes shot open like he just got shot by a bullet. Ripper takes deep breaths that rapidly increase into panicked breaths. He looks down towards the ground seeing he is up in the air. He looks back and sees the two horns impaling him. Ripper starts to panic in fear at the sight. How am I going to get out of this? he asks himself in his mind. His very own mind interrupted and blurted out, you start climbing up the horns, nice and slow, but you have to try to relax so you don't get off focus. 

"Now isn't it my old friend, my very own mind."

I know, now you need to get yourself off of these horns.

Ripper started to try to find a grip on the horn barren into his chest with his talons. It was slippery but he got a hold. His legs fumbled around until he found a foothold. Ripper started to push upwards with all four of his limbs aching from the pain. The screeching of his bones scratching up alongside the horns made an unbearable scraping sound that filled the raptors ears. A roar escaped out of his jaws the further he went up, the roar pierced through the air and seemingly shook the mansion in its wake. Soon enough Ripper found himself screaming as he reached the tip of the horns. The skull lurched forward from his weight and took a crash down to the floor which Ripper just barely avoided getting crushed by. He just laid there; motionless, rasping between breaths. "I.. I got off," he rasped. "I'm no longer impaled." Good work my friend, you got us both off the horns, now we just have to survive... if we can.

"What do you mean if we can?" You are badly injured, hence the holes in your chest and leg. These wounds are fatal, you will be lucky to survive. No, I'll be fine, I didn't get myself off of these horns just to die... again, thought Ripper. As he tried to stand up using all four of his limbs, Ripper shook struggling to stand. He collapsed to the ground with a thud whimpering from the pain. Ripper felt tired as he tried to move but couldn't, as his eyes slowly closed as he fought to stay awake; until the light slowly faded from his eyes and drifted off into sleep. 

The next morning, Ripper's eyes slowly opened up. He groaned as he stirred around fully waking up. His sight was a little blurry as he blinked them open. He looked to his side and saw blood running out like a river falling to the ground. No wonder I felt so dizzy, he thought. He got a foothold as he started to stand on all four of his limbs. 

He started to move them forward taking one step at a time, his limbs aching as he did so. In a few minutes he finally reached the doors of the mansion and stopped in front of them. Finally, this is it. This is what I've been waiting for my whole life. Freedom, thought Ripper. Ripper pushed the doors open and sunlight shone into where he was standing, covering him head to tail with the sun rays. I finally can go out into the outside world, I've never seen anything like this, he thought. All I can remember is being captive behind bars. 

"Freedom," Ripper said relieved. 

Don't get too excited about being, free, you still have those wounds from the impalement. 

"I know," stated Ripper bluntly. "But this is my chance, I've been waiting for this," he hissed. 

Good luck, I guess, but I'm not guaranteeing you'll survive. 

"Pfft, I'll be fine, if I could survive last night, I'll survive today," Ripper snarled. 

Ripper went down the steps and took his first step outside the mansion. He breathed in the fresh air filling his lungs. 

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