Chapter 20: Palinoia

Start from the beginning

"You just hit the only good arm that I have left!" I exclaimed as I started to rub the area of pain where a bruise will soon follow.

"Never let your eyes leave your opponent, you need to always be prepared for what comes next," he said smugly with a smirk as I shook my head and smiled in return.

"I want to try again," I said as I brought my fists up and the same excitement that I felt earlier began to rush through me once more.

"Stop doing that," he said as I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Doing what?" I asked as I took a step forward for every step he took back.

"Smiling, I've never fought someone that looked so happy to get their ass beat," he said with a smirk and I began to frown and scrunch up my nose to fulfill his request.

"Nevermind, don't do that eit-" he started to say but I cut him off when I threw a punch at him.

He quickly moved away but then stepped forward as he swung at me and I moved down to dodge his punch. As I started to regain my stance, I sent the back of my hand towards his face, but felt instant regret as a stinging pain traveled through my arm.

"What the fuck, Bella!" he groaned out as he cupped his cheek in his hand.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I said to him as I held my hand that still stung with pain.

"You fucking slapped me," he said as he rubbed his jaw.

"Yeah she slapped the shit out of you!" Manny yelled out between laughter.

"Why the hell did you do that?" he asked as he massaged his cheek.

"We're training," I said to him as an answer, but came out as a question.

"I've fought many people in my life and I have never been slapped," Leone said and I giggled at his surprised expression.

"Is there a rulebook that says 'no slaps allowed' while fighting?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"If you're going to fight someone might as well do it the right way. From what I just witnessed, a slap can be pretty effect-"

Leone suddenly cut me off by sending his fist towards my body, but I blocked his wrist with my forearm before he could land a punch. I then swept my foot behind his ankles, causing him to fall backwards onto the mat.

"I've learned your tricks by now Leone," I chuckled as I walked over to the groaning mafia man that lied down on the floor in front of me.

"You need to always be prepared for what comes next," I mimicked him in my best Italian accent that came out pretty terribly.

"She's all yours now Manny," Leone grumbled as I stuck out my hand and helped him stand back up.

"Actually, I-I have things to do," Manny said as he chuckled nervously.

"Maybe another time then," I replied smiling at him as I walked out into the hallway and made my way upstairs to find Nicolo.

I began to walk to his office after checking in his bedroom and found that his bed was neatly made and he was nowhere to be seen. Once I opened the door I found him sitting at his desk with a solemn gaze across his eyes and a cigar between his lips.

"Arabella," he greeted me as I walked in.

"Hi," I said as I sat down in the chair in front of him.

"How are you feeling? You had a lot to drink last night," I asked as I studied him closely.

"I'm fine."

"Did you sleep well?" I continued to ask as I looked at his tired expression.

"I did, and yourself?" he asked as my cheeks began to blush when memories of sleeping in his bed came back to me.

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