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                                                        " She's beautiful what do you expect? "

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                                                        " She's beautiful what do you expect? "

Hi! I'm Lucinda Andrews, i live in a castle with the royal family of Waddesdon. You're probably wondering how i got here well i'll explain.

Let's start with my mother. I never met my mother because she passed away during labour. My father tells me she was very beautiful. My father says she shouldn't have died, which i agree with but he meant it in a different way. Dave Andrews, my father, he says its my fault shes gone, well i know what he means but it still hurts. I never wanted her to die!  My father shouts at me a lot, i don't blame him to be honest but he has no right to shout at his own daughter. My bestfriend, Ella, Ella has been my bestfriend since we were 3. Were like sisters. She has this massive crush on Prince Robert which i cant say much since i've never seen him. 

Lets talk about what i'm doing today. Today i'm going to the castle to watch an announcement. This is my first time seeing Prince Robert so i'll see what Ella is talking about. Apparently its an announcement for his new wife? That's what i've heard but i'll find out when i get there.

Sorry this is a short chapter i'll try make the next one longer !!

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